Research about the factors that determine the success of information systems (IS) suggests that IS success is an elusive phenomenon that can only be explained in terms of a multi-dimensional construct. Despite the usefulness and unique qualities of Business Intelligence (BI) solutions, the factors responsible for the success of BI solutions remain poorly understood. Our article attempts to illuminate a path towards a clearer understanding of how BI solutions succeed by drawing on the existing body of literature and critically reflecting on the updated model of information systems success presented by DeLone and McLean (2003) and Wixom and Watson’s (2001) model of data warehousing success. The principal research contribution consists of expanding, adapting, and synthesising these two models into a consolidated model for BI success. We derive a second order model, delineate its constructs, and conceptualise their relationships based on prior research related to IS success. The operationalization of these factors has the potential of leading to a more precise instrument for understanding, evaluating and analysing the success of BI solutions.