Basement-slices are frequent components in the lower nappes of the central Scandinavian Caledonides. New geochronological and geochemical data provide evidence that three of these basement-slices in the Middle Allochthon are derived from the Transscandinavian Igneous Belt. Dated samples in this study comprise a quartz monzonite from the Stalon Nappe Complex and a quartz monzodiorite and a monzonite from the Ammarnäs Nappe Complex. A Ce/Yb-Ta/Yb-plot of the mafic rocks from the Ammarnäs Nappe Complex suggests a calc-alkaline to shoshonitic geochemical character. Low Ni- and Cr-contents and low Mg# indicate that the mafic rocks originated from an already evolved magma. Enrichment of Fe-Ti oxides and V>200 ppm indicate presence of cumulus phases to various degrees. These basement-derived rocks in the Middle Allochthon yielded concordant U-Pb zircon SIMS ages of 1799 ± 10 Ma, 1787 ± 6 Ma and 1797 ± 5 Ma. They are therefore interpreted to represent rocks detached from the Palaeoproterozoic Transscandinavian Igneous Belt and incorporated in the Middle Allochthon during Scandian orogeny.