The age of depending on processing devices has passed, the current life style is more dependent on continuous connectivity to the cyber space. This requires exceeding connectivity being a need to service providers such as businesses and companies to become a need for service consumers to maintain the services. Perhaps one of the most popular tools to achieve this degree of connectivity are mobile devices, with their “anytime, anywhere” characteristics, thus providing connectivity and ensuring mobility. This characteristic comes with inherited risks from both mobility and connectivity. Therefore, efforts have been focused on providing added layers of security for mobile environment, thus causing an additional security measures that subsequently adds more complications to the environment. This research provides a secure mobile environment with a simple nonevasive biometric authentication, represented by face recognition, a backup security layer is provided, represented by a graphical password, if the user fails to unlock with the face recognition feature, the graphical password option can be used. At the same time, if any intruder tries to unlock and fails the third time, the system will capture the face and send it to a pre-defined email automatically; thus the suggested method provides an authentication mechanism that is suitable for daily use, at the same time can serve with high efficiency for users with disability or special needs. The choice of the backup authentication is also designed to take in consideration the needs of such users' categories.