Nowadays, one of the dynamic technological development is Voice Recognition. Voice Recognition can recognize someone's voice which can be used to facilitate work efficiently. Voice recognition helps the user match the voice which has been validated before and verify the compatibility of the sound with the user's voice so that it meets the biometric identification requirements. The purpose of this study is to determine the success rate of giving orders to the prototype of an automatic lamp using Voice Recognition Module V3. This research uses google voice with various languages by using the voice command “lights on” which means turning on the lights automatically, and “lights off” means turning off the lights automatically. Voice commands are taken in 9 random languages based on the availability of Google Voice. Also, this study aims to determine the effect of volume and distance on the performance of Voice Recognition Module V3. This study uses the distance between the microphone and the speaker in the range of about 5 cm, 10 cm, and 15 cm and also the volume of voice commands on google voice by 30%, 50%, and 100%. The results show that the volume of google voice on the cell phone is directly proportional to the percentage of the success rate of voice commands. While the results of testing the distance of the microphone with Google voice is inversely proportional. In conclusion, the Voice Recognition Module V3 can function well at a distance of 5 cm even with a google voice volume of 30%. Except in Chinese, because the vowel pronunciation of the word sounds faint. Vocal clarity of voice command pronunciation affects the success rate of voice commands.