Employing dual-modality tomography inherently involves data from multiple dimensions, and thus a coherent approach is required to fully exploit the information from various dimensions. This paper describes a novel approach for dual-modality electrical resistance and capacitance tomography (ERT-ECT) to visualize gas-oil-water flow in horizontal pipeline. Compared with the conventional methods with dual-modality tomographic systems, the approach based on thresholding takes the account of multi-dimensional data, which therefore is capable of providing insights into investigated flow in both spatial and temporal terms. The experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of the approach, by which six common flow regimes in horizontal pipeline flow are visualized based on the multi-dimensional data with ERT-ECT systems, including (wavy) stratified flow, plug flow, slug flow, annular flow, and bubbly flow. Although the present approach is proposed for data acquired with an ERT-ECT system, it is potentially adaptable to other dual-modality tomographic systems that use concentration tomograms as inputs.