IN THIS PAPER WE EXAMINE eight lesbian mothers' experiences and perceptions of their young children's early childhood education. These mothers identified the (in)visibility of their lesbian identities and families and the narrow definition of family in early childhood settings as significant issues in their experiences as childcare users. This paper traces these issues to the normative ideas of, and superficial engagement with, families in early childhood curriculum, pedagogy, practices and procedures.
The childcare settings used by these families were situated in a relatively ‘accepting’ community within a lesbian enclave in inner-city Sydney. Yet even here the mothers were required to undertake complex negotiations about the way the setting catered to their family constellation in the everyday practices. We argue that early childhood educators could better support this group through more active engagement in representing a broad range of differences, including those relating to sexuality. Furthermore, educators can create richer opportunities for connections and community between families when they focus on the everyday functions of families rather than an exclusive focus on family structures.