Wall modeled large eddy simulation (WMLES) was performed using the equilibrium wall model on cases which involved hypersonic Mach numbers and cold wall conditions. A modified transition sensor was formulated which seems to show much better behavior in the laminar region compared to the original sensor when tested in a transitional shock boundary layer interaction case. The sensor is dynamically able to predict the laminar to turbulent transition without any input from the wall model. The heat flux predictions showed reasonable accuracy in the transitional region for the coarse resolution used in this case. In the cold wall boundary layer case a delay in transition was observed and a slight overprediction in the wall shear stress and heat flux in the turbulent regime. There seemed to be good agreement with the mean velocity and temperature profiles. The temperature peak in the inner layer was accurately captured by the wall model. The wall model showed deficiencies when tested in a flow over a compression ramp owing to the strong non-equilibrium conditions in the shock-boundary layer interaction region. The separation length was under-predicted with significant underprediction in the peak wall pressure and heat flux.