Fast emerging new technologies is taking everyone in its stride and no one is untouched with its influence. Access to technology and ability to use technology easily has become one of the important factors to outperform competitors. The biggest advantage that has been appreciated by each and every one is digitization. Digitization has made one’s life easy by providing services at one click of mouse. A digital wave is sweeping across India as well. Digitization has brought tremendous opportunities for education sector. It has increase connectivity of tutor and learner as they are connected virtually anytime and everywhere through technologies. Internet today has become the backbone of technology as various applications and technological benefits have been possible only with the help of internet and World Wide Web. Web 2.0 is a technology which has revolutionized and changed the whole education system. The paper gives an overview of Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 as well as the technological tools of Web 2.0 which can be helpful in the process of teaching and learning.