A preliminary study was carried out on New Zealand White (NZW) female rabbits of 6 months of age. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of zinc, copper, calcium and magnesium dietary supplementation on their reproduction traits, under winter and summer conditions of Egypt. The estimated temperature-humidity index values indicated absence of heat stress (57.9) during winter, and exposure of the animals to severe heat stress (84.7), during summer experimental period. In summer, gestation period, as well as, pre-weaning mortality at 21, 28 and 0-28 days were significantly (P< 0.001 or 0.05) higher, while litter and bunny weights at 0 and 21 days were significantly (P< 0.001 or 0.05) lower than in winter, in NZW doe rabbits. Treatment of NZW doe rabbits with zinc oxide at level 100 mg, copper sulfate at level 50 mg, calcium oxide at level 100 mg or magnesium sulfate at level 50 mg decreased significantly (P< 0.001) pre-weaning morality at 21, 28 and 0-28 days and increased significantly (P< 0.001 or 0.01) the final values (at 28 days) of each of litter size with 44.3, 40.4, 28.4 and 23.5%, litter weight with 56.5, 63.6, 35.1 and 25.4%, bunny weight with 7.5, 14.9, 3.5 and 0.1%, bunny gain weight with 7.6, 15.3, 2.9 and 5.4% and milk yield with 74.1, 67.9, 60.2 and 45.0%, respectively. Interaction values between season and treatment on the studied doe traits were mostly not significant.