[PDF][PDF] Two approaches for high concurrency in multicastbased object replicationx

T Johnson, L Maugis - Dept. of CIS, University of Florida, Gainesville F, 1994 - Citeseer
This report presents a replica control protocol for atomic objects. The protocol is derived from
an atomic broadcast primitive, and places constraints on the delivery of messages to provide …

Replicated distributed processes in Manetho

EN Elnozahy, W Zwaenepoel - FTCS, 1992 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents the process-replication protocol of Manetho, a system whose goal is to
provide efficient, application-transparent fault tolerance to long-running distributed …

Object replication in a distributed system

MC Little - 1991 - theses.ncl.ac.uk
A number of techniques have been proposed for the construction of fault—tolerant
applications. One of these techniques is to replicate vital system resources so that if one …

Implementing sequentially consistent shared objects using broadcast and point-to-point communication

A Fekete, MF Kaashoek, N Lynch - Journal of the ACM (JACM), 1998 - dl.acm.org
This paper presents and proves correct a distributed algorithm that implements a
sequentially consistent collection of shared read/update objects. This algorithm is a …

Analysis of multicast-based object replication strategies in distributed systems

A Duda - … 1993] Proceedings. The 13th International Conference …, 1993 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The author presents an analysis of three object replication strategies based on reliable
multicast protocols. A multiclass queuing model is used for obtaining performance …

[PDF][PDF] Fault-Tolerant Genuine Atomic Multicast to Multiple Groups.

C Delporte-Gallet, H Fauconnier - OPODIS, 2000 - Citeseer
We present a simple fault-tolerant algorithm that ensures total order delivery of messages
sent to multiple groups of processes. It is based on one underlying block, namely, uniform …

The performance of database replication with group multicast

JA Holliday, D Agrawal… - Digest of Papers. Twenty …, 1999 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Replication with update-anywhere capability while maintaining global synchronization and
isolation has long been thought impractical. Protocols have been proposed for distributed …

Atomic broadcast in asynchronous crash-recovery distributed systems and its use in quorum-based replication

L Rodrigues, M Raynal - IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and …, 2003 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Atomic broadcast is a fundamental problem of distributed systems: It states that messages
must be delivered in the same order to their destination processes. This paper describes a …

Dynamic group communication

A Schiper - Distributed Computing, 2006 - Springer
Group communication is the basic infrastructure for implementing fault-tolerant replicated
servers. While group communication is well understood in the context of static groups (in …

Effective multicast programming in large scale distributed systems

PT Eugster, R Boichat, R Guerraoui… - Concurrency and …, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
Many distributed applications have a strong requirement for efficient dissemination of large
amounts of information to widely spread consumers in large networks. These include …