One of the key advances in genome assembly that has led to a significant improvement in contig lengths has been improved algorithms for utilization of paired reads (mate-pairs) …
Abstract Motivation: String and de Bruijn graphs are two graph models used by most genome assemblers. At present, none of the existing assemblers clearly outperforms the …
Background Next-generation sequencing technologies allow genomes to be sequenced more quickly and less expensively than ever before. However, as sequencing technology …
Background High throughput sequencing (HTS) platforms produce gigabases of short read (< 100 bp) data per run. While these short reads are adequate for resequencing …
We have developed a new set of algorithms, collectively called “Velvet,” to manipulate de Bruijn graphs for genomic sequence assembly. A de Bruijn graph is a compact …
Motivation: Second-generation sequencing technology makes it feasible for many researches to obtain enough sequence reads to attempt the de novo assembly of higher …
J Sohn, JW Nam - Briefings in bioinformatics, 2018 -
As the advent of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, various de novo assembly algorithms based on the de Bruijn graph have been developed to construct chromosome …
Background De novo genome assembly relies on two kinds of graphs: de Bruijn graphs and overlap graphs. Overlap graphs are the basis for the Celera assembler, while de Bruijn …
Motivation: Many de novo genome assemblers have been proposed recently. The basis for most existing methods relies on the de bruijn graph: a complex graph structure that attempts …