Bayesianism II: Applications and criticisms

K Easwaran - Philosophy Compass, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
In the first paper, I discussed the basic claims of Bayesianism (that degrees of belief are
important, that they obey the axioms of probability theory, and that they are rationally …

Bayesianism I: Introduction and arguments in favor

K Easwaran - Philosophy Compass, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Bayesianism is a popular position (or perhaps, positions) in the philosophy of science,
epistemology, statistics, and other related areas, which represents belief as coming in …

Challenges to Bayesian confirmation theory

JD Norton - Philosophy of statistics, 2011 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary Proponents of Bayesian confirmation theory believe that they have the
solution to a significant, recalcitrant problem in philosophy of science. It is the identification …

Two theories of probability

G Shafer - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the …, 1978 -
In a recent monograph, I advocated a new theory—the theory of belief functions—as an
alternative to the Bayesian theory of epistemic probability. In this paper I compare the two …

The scope of Bayesian reasoning

H Kyburg - PSA: Proceedings of the biennial meeting of the …, 1993 -
There is one sense in which Bayes' theorem, and its use in statistics and in scientific
inference, is clearly uncontroversial. It is an authentic, certified, theorem of the probability …

[PDF][PDF] Old evidence and logical omniscience in Bayesian confirmation theory

D Garber - 1983 -
The Bayesian framework is intended, at least in part, as a formalization and systematization
of the sorts of reasoning that we all carry on at an intuitive level. One of the most attractive …

[图书][B] Fundamentals of Bayesian epistemology 1: Introducing credences

MG Titelbaum - 2022 -
Bayesian ideas have recently been applied across such diverse fields as philosophy,
statistics, economics, psychology, artificial intelligence, and legal theory. Fundamentals of …

[图书][B] Fundamentals of Bayesian epistemology 2: Arguments, challenges, alternatives

MG Titelbaum - 2022 -
Bayesian ideas have recently been applied across such diverse fields as philosophy,
statistics, economics, psychology, artificial intelligence, and legal theory. Fundamentals of …

Assessing theories, Bayes style

F Huber - Synthese, 2008 - Springer
The problem addressed in this paper is “the main epistemic problem concerning science”,
viz.“the explication of how we compare and evaluate theories [...] in the light of the available …

Statistical evidence and belief functions

T Seidenfeld - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the …, 1978 -
In his recent monograph [7], Professor Shafer has offered us an alternative to Bayesian
inference with his novel theory of belief functions and, in his current paper [8], has …