
US Patent 5,048, 1847 - Google Patents
Similar letters in the figures refer to cor responding parts. This machine in its general
features is made and operated similar to the one for which Letters Patent of the United …


US Patent 23,081, 1859 - Google Patents
Figure 1, is a vertical longitudinal section of a Washing machine constructed with my
improvements. Fig. 2, is a vertical trans verse section of the same, and Fig. 3 is a plan or top …


US Patent 33,661, 1861 - Google Patents
The nature of my said invention consists in a cylinder of slats constructed in a pecul liar
manner and receiving the clothes or other articles to be washed, the said cylinder be-, ing so …

Washing machine

DBD Blake - US Patent 2,303,979, 1942 - Google Patents
In present type washing machines, wringing of the clothes is customarily accomplished eith
er by manually feeding the separate washed pieces through a roll wringer, or manually trans …


US Patent 22,555, 1859 - Google Patents
The second branch of our improvement relates to the apparatus for Wringing the clothes
after being washed, and it consists in a new and effective arrangement and combination of …


J Vierling - US Patent 962,803, 1910 - Google Patents
The paramount objects of my invention are to provide a washing machine that can be easily
and quickly operated for removing filth and foreign matter from clothes with out injuring the …


US Patent 514,854, 1894 - Google Patents
The objects of my invention are, first, to provide a machine of this class, in which the clothes
receptacle is constructed with a series of wings set at right angles to the interior walls or …


RF Clark - US Patent 1,388,800, 1921 - Google Patents
This invention relates to washing ma chines, and its principal objects are to pro vide: first, a
machine which shall be simple in construction, efficient in operation and economical in cost; …


US Patent 3,329, 1843 - Google Patents
The nature of my invention consists in constructing a Washing machine, having a follower
that moves up toward the end against which the clothes are washed, paral lel with it, and in …


ID Buck - US Patent 1,098,937, 1914 - Google Patents
Be it known that I, ISAIAH. D. BUCK, a citizen of the United States, residing in the city and
county of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania, have invented a new and use ful Washing …