Public, Private, and Professional Lives: The Correspondence of David Dudley Field and Samuel Bowles

M Schudson - Am. J. Legal Hist., 1977 - HeinOnline
It is not easy to see moral ideals change. The alteration of assumptions is too subtle, the
shifting foundations of guilt and pride too nearly invisible. But when the moral life moves-like …

Knowing No Other Duty: Privity, the Myth of Elitism, and the Transformation of the Legal Profession

T Ross - Wake Forest L. Rev., 1997 - HeinOnline
Introduction As members of the legal profession, we have been taught that we are elite. The
legal profession has always drawn the best and the brightest. We believe that law school is …

The mind of a moral agent: Scottish common sense and the problem of responsibility in nineteenth-century American law

SL Blumenthal - Law and History Review, 2008 -
Addressing an audience of medical students in 1810, the Philadelphia physician Benjamin
Rush recounted a recent call he had made, in consultation with a Dr. Physick, to the …

From Community to Status: The Development of the Legal Profession in Colonial New York

MM Klein - New York History, 1979 -
Justice's Court in the Backwoods. Oil on canvas by Tompkins H. Matteson. Collections? of
the New York State Historical Association. From Community to Status: The Development of …

Running on Empty: Justice Brennan's Plea, the Empty State, the City of Richmond, and the Profession

K Casebeer - U. Miami L. Rev., 1988 - HeinOnline
Legal discourse shapes our beliefs about the experiences and capacities of the human
species, our conceptions of justice, free-dom and fulfillment, and our visions of the future …

To Gain the Whole World and Lose His Own Soul: Nineteenth-Century American Dueling as Public Law and Private Code

AL LaCroix - Hofstra L. Rev., 2004 - HeinOnline
[A] nd now, having grasped his new-purchased Sword in his Hand, he was going to issue
forth, when the Thought of what he was about to undertake laid suddenly hold of him, and he …

The rise of legal formalism

MJ Horwitz - The American Journal of Legal History, 1975 - JSTOR
For seventy or eighty years after the American Revolution the major direction of common law
policy reflected the overthrow of eighteenth cen-tury pre-commercial and anti-developmental …

The Impact of Concern for the Security of Property Rights on the Legal System of the Early American Republic

S Bruchey - Wis. L. Rev., 1980 - HeinOnline
In his recent survey of law and social order in the United States,'Willard Hurst argued that a"
realistic history of law in the United States must relate law to institutions and ideas de-rived …

Lawyers Look at Themselves Professional Consciousness and the Virginia Bar, 1770-1850

EL Shepard - Am. J. Legal Hist., 1981 - HeinOnline
Judge Henry St. George Tucker asserted in 1841 that" from the formation of the republic, the
most distinguished men in our councils have been of the [legal] profession, and it may not be …

The birth of the modern law school

A Chase - The American Journal of Legal History, 1979 - JSTOR
On opening day of the fall term in 1870 at Harvard Law School it is late morning and the sole
lecture room in Dane Hall," by reason of its being so low studded and so near the roof... is a …