Wealth and secular stagnation: The role of industrial organization and intellectual property rights

HM Schwartz - RSF: The Russell sage foundation journal of the social …, 2016 - rsfjournal.org
Changes in firm strategy and structure partially explain the sources and consequences of
rising wealth inequality in America. Combining use of state-created monopolies around …

Global secular stagnation and the rise of intellectual property monopoly

HM Schwartz - Review of International Political Economy, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Explanations for slow global growth (secular stagnation) correctly focus on income
inequality and wage formation but are incomplete. They ignore the source of wages and fail …

[PDF][PDF] Knowledge and competitive advantage

JP Murmann - The coevolution of firms, technology and national …, 2004 - researchgate.net
There are few things–perhaps only one–that can arouse the passions of human beings as
much as wealth. Humans need material objects to survive. But as social creatures, human …

[图书][B] The captured economy: How the powerful enrich themselves, slow down growth, and increase inequality

B Lindsey, SM Teles - 2017 - books.google.com
For years, America has been plagued by slow economic growth and increasing inequality. In
The Captured Economy, Brink Lindsey and Steven M. Teles identify a common factor behind …

A firm-level perspective on the role of rents in the rise in inequality

J Furman, P Orszag - Toward a just society: Joseph stiglitz and …, 2018 - degruyter.com
Joseph Stiglitz has been an intellectual mentor to both of us for the past two decades, a
period that looms large in our lives, but which today's celebration reminds us is just a fraction …

[PDF][PDF] Rentiership and Intellectual Monopoly in Contemporary Capitalism: Conceptual Challenges and Empirical Possibilities

J Baines, SB Hager - 2023 - yorkspace.library.yorku.ca
The concepts of rentiership and intellectual monopoly have gained increased prominence in
discussions about the transformation of global capitalism in recent years. However, there …

On the formation of capital and wealth: IT, Monopoly Power and Rising Inequality

M Kurz - Monopoly Power and Rising Inequality (June 25, 2017), 2017 - papers.ssrn.com
Our underlying hypothesis is that technological progress (even neutral) has a big effect on
distribution, not only on growth, since rising waves of technical progress cause rising …

[HTML][HTML] Market power and wealth distribution

SF Ennis, Y Kim - A step ahead: Competition policy for shared …, 2017 - books.google.com
Lack of competition can drive up prices of goods and services, with substantive negative
effects for the poor, whose consumption basket is dominated by first necessity goods and …

Secular trends and technological progress

R Döttling, EC Perotti - 2017 - papers.ssrn.com
Can technological progress explain secular stagnation? We show how an excess of savings
over investment arises when innovative production requires creative human capital rather …

Inequality, financialization, and the US current account deficit

MN Ivanova - Industrial and Corporate Change, 2019 - academic.oup.com
The US has run a persistent current account deficit since 1982. Its growth particularly
accelerated in the early 2000s, and the deficit peaked at about 6% of US GDP in 2006 …