A cyber attack evaluation methodology

K Pipyros, L Mitrou, D Gritzalis… - Proc. of the 13th …, 2014 - books.google.com
Following the identification on an international basis of cyberspace as a new 'domain of
warfare', it has become widely (though not fully) accepted that the traditional rules of …

Cyberoperations and international humanitarian law: A review of obstacles in applying international law rules in cyber warfare

K Pipyros, L Mitrou, D Gritzalis… - Information & Computer …, 2016 - emerald.com
Purpose–The increasing number of cyber attacks has transformed the “cyberspace” into a
“battlefield”, bringing out “cyber warfare” as the “fifth dimension of war” and emphasizing the …

Rewired warfare: rethinking the law of cyber attack

MN Schmitt - International Review of the Red Cross, 2014 - cambridge.org
The most significant debate regarding the applicability of international humanitarian law to
cyber operations involves interpretation of the rules governing cyber “attacks”, as that term is …

[PDF][PDF] Application of international law to cyber operations: a comparative analysis of states' views

P Roguski - 2020 - ruj.uj.edu.pl
This policy brief offers a comparative analysis of the positions of seven States on how
international law applies to cyber operations. The scope of analysis is limited to peacetime …

A Brave New World: Applying International Law of War to Cyber-Attacks

N Simmons - Journal of Law & Cyber Warfare, 2014 - JSTOR
State and non-state actors are using international cyber-attacks with an increasing
frequency and magnitude, causing new levels of damage and disruption. Despite this …

Peacetime cyber responses and wartime cyber operations under international law: An analytical vade mecum

MN Schmitt - Harv. Nat'l Sec. J., 2017 - HeinOnline
Abstract Tallinn Manual 2.0 on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Operations
examines the application of extant international law principles and rules to cyber activities …

[PDF][PDF] Legal aspects of cybersecurity

A Appazov - University of Copenhagen, 2014 - justitsministeriet.dk
With the development of information and network technologies and the growing
interconnectedness of the world, the risks connected to online communication have become …

A model to facilitate discussions about cyber attacks

J Happa, G Fairclough - Ethics and Policies for Cyber Operations: A NATO …, 2017 - Springer
The evolution of the Internet and digital systems is making it increasingly difficult to
understand cyber attacks. Politicians, ethicists, lawyers, business owners and other …

[PDF][PDF] Preliminary considerations: on national cyber security

M Hathaway, A Klimburg - National Cyber Security Framework …, 2012 - belfercenter.org
What, exactly, is 'national cyber security'? There is little question that the advent of the
internet is having a decisive influence on how national security is being defined. Nations are …

Cyber-attacks and the right of self-defense: a case study of the Netherlands

F Oorsprong, P Ducheine, P Pijpers - Policy Design and Practice, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Whilst Article 51 of the UN Charter as a rule indicates that an “armed attack” may trigger a
State's right of self-defense, the actual purport of armed attack remains a matter of …