The impact of renewable energy production on employment

B Gradziuk, P Gradziuk - Regional …, 2017 -
The aim of the executed research is to determine the influence of harvesting renewable
energy on the labour market. Eurostat Databases provided a source of empirical data …

[PDF][PDF] The relationship between renewable energy production and employment in European union countries: Panel data analysis

GŽ Azretbergenova, B Syzdykov, T Niyazov… - International Journal of …, 2021 -
Renewable energy, which is the type of energy that plays a major role in the development
and growth of countries, plays an important role in today's world, considering that the life of …

[HTML][HTML] Towards a green energy economy? Tracking the employment effects of low-carbon technologies in the European Union

A Markandya, I Arto, M González-Eguino, MV Román - Applied energy, 2016 - Elsevier
In the view of pressing unemployment and environmental problems, different policies have
been proposed to create jobs in the transition to a green economy, including the so-called …

Implications of the energy transition on employment: Today's results, tomorrow's needs

P Ravillard, JE Chueca, M Weiss, MCM Hallack - 2021 -
Executive Summary Countries in Latin America and the rest of the world have made
considerable efforts to engage in an energy transition, reduce their net greenhouse gas …

[HTML][HTML] Employment effects of green energy policies

N Pestel - IZA World of Labor, 2019 -
Many industrial countries are pursuing so-called green energy policies, which typically imply
the replacement of conventional fossil fuel power plants with renewable sources. Such a …

EmployRES. The impact of renewable energy policy on economic growth and employment in the European Union. Final report

M Ragwitz, W Schade, B Breitschopf, R Walz… - 2009 -
This study aims to meet the need for scientifically robust information on the gross effects
(direct and indirect) as well as on the net effects (including both conventional replacement …

Employment effects of the extended use of renewable energies; Beschaeftigungseffekte des Ausbaus erneuerbarer Energie

W Pfaffenberger - Elektrizitätswirtschaft, 1997 -
Any investment has a positive effect on employment: setting up an investment object
involves a number of jobs. But in national economic terms, investments into renewable …

The characteristics of energy employment in a system-wide context

GJ Allan, AG Ross - Energy Economics, 2019 - Elsevier
Abstract Changes in energy supply in the coming decades will have major economic
implications. To understand the possible employment consequences of this transition, many …

[HTML][HTML] The indispensable role of energy import: Does its price really matter for German employment?

T Sun, M Qin, CW Su, W Zhang - Energy Strategy Reviews, 2024 - Elsevier
Studying the interplay between energy imports and employment is paramount for attaining
sustainable development in Germany. The research employs the time-varying parameters …


D Štreimikienė, MS Gailiūnienė - … in Business & Economics, 2013 -
Available studies show that renewable energy is associated with significant gross in job
creation. Net effects are generally also shown to be positive. They will also vary across …