Estimating statistical aggregates on probabilistic data streams

TS Jayram, A McGregor, S Muthukrishnan… - ACM Transactions on …, 2008 -
The probabilistic stream model was introduced by Jayram et al.[2007]. It is a generalization
of the data stream model that is suited to handling probabilistic data, where each item of the …

Space-efficient estimation of statistics over sub-sampled streams

A McGregor, A Pavan, S Tirthapura… - Proceedings of the 31st …, 2012 -
In many stream monitoring situations, the data arrival rate is so high that it is not even
possible to observe each element of the stream. The most common solution is to sample a …

Sketching probabilistic data streams

G Cormode, M Garofalakis - Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGMOD …, 2007 -
The management of uncertain, probabilistic data has recently emerged as a useful paradigm
for dealing with the inherent unreliabilities of several real-world application domains …

Quantiles over data streams: experimental comparisons, new analyses, and further improvements

G Luo, L Wang, K Yi, G Cormode - The VLDB Journal, 2016 - Springer
A fundamental problem in data management and analysis is to generate descriptions of the
distribution of data. It is most common to give such descriptions in terms of the cumulative …

Variance estimation over sliding windows

L Zhang, Y Guan - Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth ACM Sigmod-sigact …, 2007 -
Capturing characteristics of large data streams has received considerable attention. The
constraints in space and time restrict the data stream processing to only one pass (or a small …

Processing complex aggregate queries over data streams

A Dobra, M Garofalakis, J Gehrke… - Proceedings of the 2002 …, 2002 -
Recent years have witnessed an increasing interest in designing algorithms for querying
and analyzing streaming data (ie, data that is seen only once in a fixed order) with only …

Streaming multiple aggregations using phantoms

R Zhang, N Koudas, BC Ooi, D Srivastava, P Zhou - The VLDB Journal, 2010 - Springer
Data streams characterize the high speed and large volume input of a new class of
applications such as network monitoring, web content analysis and sensor networks. Among …

On computing correlated aggregates over continual data streams

J Gehrke, F Korn, D Srivastava - ACM SIGMOD Record, 2001 -
In many applications from telephone fraud detection to network management, data arrives in
a stream, and there is a need to maintain a variety of statistical summary information about a …

[PDF][PDF] Efficient aggregation algorithms for probabilistic data

TS Jayram, S Kale, E Vee - Proceedings of the eighteenth annual ACM …, 2007 - Citeseer
We study the problem of computing aggregation operators on probabilistic data in an I/O
efficient manner. Algorithms for aggregation operators such as SUM, COUNT, AVG, and …

Sampling algorithms in a stream operator

T Johnson, S Muthukrishnan… - Proceedings of the 2005 …, 2005 -
Complex queries over high speed data streams often need to rely on approximations to
keep up with their input. The research community has developed a rich literature on …