Optimal forwarding ratio on dynamical networks with heterogeneous mobility

Y Gan, M Tang, H Yang - The European Physical Journal B, 2013 - Springer
Since the discovery of non-Poisson statistics of human mobility trajectories, more attention
has been paid to understand the role of these patterns in different dynamics. In this study, we …

Transportation dynamics on networks of heterogeneous mobile agents

Z Su, S Liu, W Deng, W Li, X Cai - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its …, 2019 - Elsevier
Based on transportation networks of mobile agents, this paper discusses the condition under
which the communication radii of mobile agents obey the power-law distribution. The …

Heterogeneous delivering capability promotes traffic efficiency in complex networks

YB Zhu, XM Guan, XJ Zhang - International Journal of Modern …, 2015 - World Scientific
Traffic is one of the most fundamental dynamical processes in networked systems. With the
homogeneous delivery capability of nodes, the global dynamic routing strategy proposed by …

Transportation dynamics on networks of mobile agents

HX Yang, WX Wang, YB Xie, YC Lai, BH Wang - Physical Review E—Statistical …, 2011 - APS
Most existing works on transportation dynamics focus on networks of a fixed structure, but
networks whose nodes are mobile have become widespread, such as cell-phone networks …

Information traffic in scale-free networks with fluctuations in packet generation rate

XG Tang, EWM Wong - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its …, 2009 - Elsevier
We study the information traffic in scale-free networks where the information generation rate
varies with time as a periodic function. We observe that when the fluctuation in packet …

Efficient priority queueing routing strategy on networks of mobile agents

GH Wu, HJ Yang, JH Pan - Modern Physics Letters B, 2018 - World Scientific
As a consequence of their practical implications for communications networks, traffic
dynamics on complex networks have recently captivated researchers. Previous routing …

Traffic properties for stochastic routing on scale-free networks

Y Hayashi, Y Ono - IEICE transactions on communications, 2011 - search.ieice.org
For realistic scale-free networks, we investigate the traffic properties of stochastic routing
inspired by a zero-range process known in statistical physics. By parameters α and δ, this …

Integrating local static and dynamic information for routing traffic

WX Wang, CY Yin, G Yan, BH Wang - … E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter …, 2006 - APS
The efficiency of traffic routing on complex networks can be reflected by two key
measurements, ie, the network capacity and the average travel time of data packets. In this …

Integrating network structure and dynamic information for better routing strategy on scale-free networks

XG Tang, EWM Wong, ZX Wu - Physica A: Statistical mechanics and its …, 2009 - Elsevier
We study information packet routing processes on scale-free networks by mimicking the
Internet traffic delivery strategies. We incorporate both the global network structure …

Traffic dynamics based on local routing protocol on a scale-free network

WX Wang, BH Wang, CY Yin, YB Xie, T Zhou - Physical Review E—Statistical …, 2006 - APS
We propose a packet routing strategy with a tunable parameter α based on the local
structural information of a scale-free network. As free traffic flow on the communication …