Wendy Brown, Regulating Aversion: Tolerance in the Age of Identity and Empire: Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2008, 288 pp, Price£ 13.95 (PB), ISBN: 978-1 …

E Grabham - 2009 - Springer
''Yes, Mr President,''said Phil.''You called me here for a report on the situation at the border.
And I'm happy to report that I was recently able to quell a disturbing outbreak of violence at …

Wendy Brown, Regulating Aversion: Tolerance in the Age of Identity and Empire: Princeton University Press, 2006

E Aharonson - 2008 - Springer
In this bold, erudite and timely study, political theorist Wendy Brown explores the historical
underpinnings of—and the social and political effects provoked by—the rhetorical operation …

Terrorism Du Jour: How the Trayvon Martin Case Exposes an Endemic Regime of Fear That Keeps Black Males and Females of All Colors in a State of Subjugation

TM Bruce - UCLA Women's LJ, 2014 - HeinOnline
I have tried to imagine my father as a little boy, playing on the typewriter in Bernice Worden's
Plainfield, Wisconsin hardware store. He could probably smell motor oil and leather gloves …

When deterrence and death mitigation fall short: Fantasy and fetishes as gap-fillers in border regulation

MD Fan - Law & Society Review, 2008 - cambridge.org
Drawing on fieldwork and political theory with Lacanian psychoanalytic influences, this
article analyzes how fantasy and fetishes help sustain strategies shown to be no solution to …

Rethinking Resistance and Redress-An Interview with Michelle Allas Molina, 14 September 2023

K Mouradian - Brown J. World Aff., 2023 - HeinOnline
Brown Journal of World Affairs: You are a historian, lecturer, author, and editor specializing
in the Armenian genocide and the aftermath of war and mass violence. Because of this, we …

FEELING LIKE A STATE: Desire, Denial, and the Recasting of Authority: By Davina Cooper. 272 pp.; bibliog., index. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2019. 99.95 …

DK Öcal - 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Focusing on legal episodes between conservative Christians and liberal state authorities
over gender equality rights in the Global North (mostly in the United Kingdom, the United …

MA Fineman and A. Grear (eds.): Vulnerability: Reflections on a New Ethical Foundation for Law and Politics: Ashgate, 2013, 236 pp,£ 35.00, ISBN 978-1-4724-2165 …

NU Haas - 2014 - Springer
The concept of vulnerability has attracted as many supporters as sceptics in academia,
policy, and civil society. On the one hand, vulnerability can be seen as coextensive to the …

Vulnerability's Ambivalent Political Life: Trayvon Martin and the Racialized and Gendered Politics of Protection

KE Oliviero - Feminist Formations, 2016 - muse.jhu.edu
This article explores the way vulnerability gets mapped onto some bodies and not others. It
discusses how sociolegal frameworks of vulnerability have both significantly transformative …

Tolerance in an Age of Terror

M Minow - Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal, 2007 - papers.ssrn.com
Law review articles and public interest group advocacy charge the United States since 9/11
with overreaction that jeopardizes legal and cultural commitments to tolerance; recent books …

Between Intimates and Between Nations: Can Law Stop the Violence

M Minow - Case W. Res. L. Rev., 1999 - HeinOnline
One of my favorite philosophers is Yogi Berra. Yogi is supposed to have said," When you
come to a fork in the road, take it." And," You can observe a lot by watching." And one more:" …