[HTML][HTML] Synthetic bacteria for therapeutics

PNL Vo, HM Lee, D Na - 2019 - jmb.or.kr
Synthetic biology builds programmed biological systems for a wide range of purposes such
as improving human health, remedying the environment, and boosting the production of …

Applications of microbial synthetic biology in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases

X GAO, L NIU, N JIAN, N GUAN - Synthetic Biology Journal, 2023 - synbioj.cip.com.cn
Numerous bacteria and other microorganisms are living with the human body, which are
parasitic in our skin, gastrointestinal tract, mouth, and other organs. While securing stable …

Engineering microbial living therapeutics

DB Pedrolli, NV Ribeiro, PN Squizato… - Precision Medicine for …, 2020 - Elsevier
A vast microbial community lives on and within the human body. Recent advances in
microbiome studies have shown how some living bacteria can positively influence human …

Developing a new class of engineered live bacterial therapeutics to treat human diseases

MR Charbonneau, VM Isabella, N Li… - Nature Communications, 2020 - nature.com
A complex interplay of metabolic and immunological mechanisms underlies many diseases
that represent a substantial unmet medical need. There is an increasing appreciation of the …

[HTML][HTML] Synthetic Biology-Driven Microbial Therapeutics for Disease Treatment

TH Kim, BK Cho, DH Lee - Journal of microbiology and …, 2024 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The human microbiome, consisting of microorganisms that coexist symbiotically with the
body, impacts health from birth. Alterations in gut microbiota driven by factors such as diet …

Engineered bacteria as therapeutic agents

C Piñero-Lambea, D Ruano-Gallego… - Current opinion in …, 2015 - Elsevier
Highlights•Engineered bacteria provide a continuous supply of therapeutic
molecules.•Bacterial therapies target inflammation, immunity, cancer, and metabolic …

Synthetic biology approaches in the development of engineered therapeutic microbes

M Kang, D Choe, K Kim, BK Cho, S Cho - International Journal of …, 2020 - mdpi.com
Since the intimate relationship between microbes and human health has been uncovered,
microbes have been in the spotlight as therapeutic targets for several diseases. Microbes …

In situ biomolecule production by bacteria; a synthetic biology approach to medicine

YF Bueso, P Lehouritis, M Tangney - Journal of Controlled Release, 2018 - Elsevier
The ability to modify existing microbiota at different sites presents enormous potential for
local or indirect management of various diseases. Because bacteria can be maintained for …

Engineered live biotherapeutics: progress and challenges

Y Tan, J Shen, T Si, CL Ho, Y Li, L Dai - Biotechnology Journal, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
The human microbiome plays an important role in human health, from metabolism to
immunity. In the last few decades, advances in synthetic biology have enabled scientists to …

[HTML][HTML] Bacteria and bacterial derivatives as delivery carriers for immunotherapy

SR Kang, DH Nguyen, SW Yoo, JJ Min - Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 2022 - Elsevier
There is growing interest in the role of microorganisms in human health and disease, with
evidence showing that new types of biotherapy using engineered bacterial therapeutics …