[PDF][PDF] Precision Agriculture: Does it make sense?

VI Adamchuk - Better Crops, 2010 - academia.edu
5 or is not suitable if the spatial distribution of the sensed soil properties (eg, soil electrical
conductivity) does not change during the growing season. On the other hand, more dynamic …

[PDF][PDF] The ultimate soil survey in one pass: soil texture, organic matter, pH, elevation, slope, and curvature

G Kweon, E Lund, C Maxton - Proceedings of the 11th ICPA, 2012 - vantage-agrometius.nl
The goal of accurately mapping soil variability preceded GPS-aided agriculture, and has
been a challenging aspect of precision agriculture since its inception. Many studies have …

Proximal soil sensing: An effective approach for soil measurements in space and time

RAV Rossel, VI Adamchuk, KA Sudduth… - Advances in …, 2011 - Elsevier
This chapter reviews proximal soil sensing (PSS). Our intent is for it to be a source of up-to-
date information on PSS, the technologies that are currently available and their use for …

On-the-go soil sensors for precision agriculture

VI Adamchuk, JW Hummel, MT Morgan… - … and electronics in …, 2004 - Elsevier
The basic objectives of site-specific management of agricultural inputs are to increase
profitability of crop production, improve product quality, and protect the environment …

[PDF][PDF] On-the-go soil sensors—are we there yet

V Adamchuk - McGill University. Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue …, 2011 - adamchukpa.mcgill.ca
Since 1996, more than a dozen on-the-go soil sensing platforms have been under
development at Purdue University, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and now McGill …

Precision farming tools. soil electrical conductivity

RD Grisso, MM Alley, DL Holshouser, WE Thomason - 2005 - vtechworks.lib.vt.edu
Soil Electrical Conductivity Page 1 www.ext.vt.edu Virginia Cooperative Extension programs and
employment are open to all, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability …

Soil property sensing for site-specific crop management

JW Hummel, LD Gaultney, KA Sudduth - Computers and Electronics in …, 1996 - Elsevier
Site-specific crop management (SSCM) aims to improve production efficiency by adjusting
crop inputs, especially fertilizers and agro-chemicals, to varying local conditions within a …

[PDF][PDF] Precise surveying of soil productivity indicators using on-the-go soil sensors

C Hurst, S Lovell, T Lund… - Moving Farm Systems to …, 2015 - tur-www1.massey.ac.nz
Current soil sampling methods, such as conventional and hectare grid sampling, do not
provide a cost effective way in which to gather GPS referenced data at an adequate …

Soil sensing

VI Adamchuk, A Biswas, HH Huang, JE Holland… - Sensing approaches for …, 2021 - Springer
In addition to the overview of diversity in soil sensing technologies, this chapter presents four
case studies to illustrate the practical use of these technologies to enhance precision …

Development of an integrated on-the-go sensing system for soil properties

RS Dhillon, V l Adamchuk, KH Holland… - … , June 20-June 23 …, 2010 - elibrary.asabe.org
One of the basic practices of precision agriculture is the requirement to define spatial
variability in soil properties within an agricultural field to make decisions that can maximize …