The non-Hermitian skin effect is a unique phenomenon in which an extensive number of eigenstates are localized at the boundaries of a non-Hermitian system. Recent studies show …
Physically, one tends to think of non-Hermitian systems in terms of gain and loss: the decay or amplification of a mode is given by the imaginary part of its energy. Here, we introduce an …
The non-Hermitian skin effect is a unique feature of non-Hermitian systems, in which an extensive number of boundary modes appear under the open boundary conditions. Here …
The discovery of non-Hermitian skin effect (NHSE) has opened an exciting direction for unveiling unusual physics and phenomena in non-Hermitian system. Despite notable …
Over the last few years, topological edge modes—excitations that are localized at the materials' edges, yet that are characterized by a topological invariant defined from the …
The non-Hermitian skin effect (NHSE) in non-Hermitian lattice systems, associated with a point gap on the complex energy plane, has attracted great theoretical and experimental …
A unique feature of non-Hermitian systems is the skin effect, which is the extreme sensitivity to the boundary conditions. Here, we reveal that the skin effect originates from intrinsic non …
Topological phases of matter that have been recently extended to topological phases of sound can confine acoustic energy at the corners of higher-order topological insulators. We …
A d-dimensional second-order topological insulator (SOTI) can host topologically protected (d-2)-dimensional gapless boundary modes. Here, we show that a 2D non-Hermitian SOTI …