This book is a digest of a selection of papers given at the International Conference for the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, held in Geneva in 1955. As a background to his resumes of …
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NG Zhezhel - Conference of the Academy of Sciences of the …, 1956 -
In examining the work of Molisch [1], LI and AV Koltsov [2]. AA and BA Krasyuk [3], and Stoklasa [4]. who took a favorable view of the effects of radioactive substances on plants …
MI Fried, JFAO Director - IAEA Bulletin, 1976 -
You will hear lectures this afternoon by world famous scientists who have been and are most actively engaged in this kind of research and development applied to their particular field of …
JC Bugher - The Role of Atomic Energy in Agricultural Research …, 1953 -
One of the refreshing characteristics of a youthful organization such as the Atomic Energy Commission is the absence of the conventional restrictions which commonly surround …
NE Tolbert, PB Pearson - Advances in Agronomy, 1952 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary The atomic energy program, involving plants and soils, includes studies of the effects of both internal radiation (absorbed radioisotopes and fission products) and …