[HTML][HTML] Beyond the tried and true: How virtual reality, dialog setups, and a focus on multimodality can take bilingual language production research forward

A Titus, T Dijkstra, RM Willems, D Peeters - Neuropsychologia, 2024 - Elsevier
Bilinguals possess the ability of expressing themselves in more than one language, and
typically do so in contextually rich and dynamic settings. Theories and models have indeed …

Investigating bilingual processing: The neglected role of language processing contexts

YJ Wu, G Thierry - Frontiers in psychology, 2010 - frontiersin.org
How do the two languages of bilingual individuals interact in everyday communication?
Numerous behavioral-and event-related brain potential studies have suggested that …

[PDF][PDF] Brain, mind and linguistic processing insights into the dynamic nature of bilingualism and its outcome effects

G Di Pisa, SM Pereira Soares, J Rothman - Journal of Neurolinguistics, 2021 - pure.mpg.de
Beyond its ubiquity and utility in all that we do, language is perhaps the most essential
characterizing trait differentiating humans from all other sentient beings. As such, studying …

Recognizing the effects of language mode on the cognitive advantages of bilingualism

Z Yu, JW Schwieter - Frontiers in psychology, 2018 - frontiersin.org
For bilinguals, it is argued that a cognitive advantage can be linked to the constant
management and need for conflict resolution that occurs when the two languages are co …

How to frame bilingualism in context: Putting people and places in mind

JF Kroll, A Chan, A Cheng, G Scontras - Bilingualism: Language and …, 2023 - cambridge.org
Research on bilingualism has always lived in a tense intersection across disciplines that
vary in the lenses they bring to language experience and in how that experience is placed …

Language experiences and cognitive control: A dynamic perspective

P Li, Y Dong - Psychology of Learning and Motivation, 2020 - Elsevier
The effect of bilingual experience on cognitive control has been intensively examined in the
past two decades, but empirical studies have provided inconsistent findings about the …

Sustained inhibition of the native language in bilingual language production: A virtual reality approach

D Peeters, T Dijkstra - Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 2018 - cambridge.org
Bilinguals often switch languages as a function of the language background of their
addressee. The control mechanisms supporting bilinguals' ability to select the contextually …

Bilingual language switching in the laboratory versus in the wild: The spatiotemporal dynamics of adaptive language control

E Blanco-Elorrieta, L Pylkkänen - Journal of Neuroscience, 2017 - Soc Neuroscience
For a bilingual human, every utterance requires a choice about which language to use. This
choice is commonly regarded as part of general executive control, engaging prefrontal and …

Rethinking multilingual experience through a Systems Framework of Bilingualism: Response to Commentaries

DA Titone, M Tiv - Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 2023 - cambridge.org
In Rethinking Multilingual Experience through a Systems Framework of Bilingualism (Titone
& Tiv, 2022), we encouraged psycholinguists and cognitive neuroscientists to consider …

Bilingual switching between languages and listeners: Insights from immersive virtual reality

D Peeters - Cognition, 2020 - Elsevier
Perhaps the main advantage of being bilingual is the capacity to communicate with
interlocutors that have different language backgrounds. In the life of a bilingual, switching …