Current law and potential legal issues pertaining to automated, autonomous and connected vehicles

WJ Kohler, A Colbert-Taylor - Santa Clara Computer & High Tech. LJ, 2015 - HeinOnline
Vehicle automation technologies that modestly manipulate a vehicle's direction and speed
without driver involvement have already been introduced into the market and are becoming …

A survey of legal issues arising from the deployment of autonomous and connected vehicles

DA Crane, KD Logue, BC Pilz - Mich. Telecomm. & Tech. L. Rev., 2016 - HeinOnline
In the nine months since the authors began this research project, one thing has remained
constant-the world of autonomous and connected vehicles is rapidly evolving. Contributors …

Herbie fully downloaded: Data-driven vehicles and the automobile exception

L Barrett - Geo. LJ, 2017 - HeinOnline
Automated vehicles may seem like the purview of the science fiction writer, but the
accelerated development of this technology has made them highly relevant to industry …

Don't Sue Me, I Was Just Lawfully Texting & Drunk When My Autonomous Car Crashing into You

O Ravid - Sw. L. Rev., 2014 - HeinOnline
No longer limited to the creative vision of science fiction, robotic and computerized
automated cars (autonomous cars) are real and they are on the roads, at least, so far, for …

Look ma, no hands: wrinkles and wrecks in the age of autonomous vehicles

AP Garza - New Eng. L. Rev., 2011 - HeinOnline
ABSTRACT In October 2010 Google unveiled that it had developed and successfully road-
tested the world's first truly autonomous car; moreover, that car had already logged over …

Code Bound and down-a long way to go and a short time to get there: autonomous vehicle legislation in Illinois

KL Barringer - S. Ill. ULJ, 2013 - HeinOnline
It appears the visionaries had it all wrong. In the latter half of the twentieth century, many
envisioned a twenty-first century filled with flying cars and robotic domestic …

The potential regulatory challenges of increasingly autonomous motor vehicles

SP Wood, J Chang, T Healy, J Wood - Santa Clara L. Rev., 2012 - HeinOnline
VEHICLES1 Stephen P. Wood,* Jesse Chang,** Thomas Healy*** Page 1 THE POTENTIAL …

Regulating the future: Autonomous vehicles and the role of government

ML Roth - Iowa L. Rev., 2019 - HeinOnline
Within the next decade, society will be revolutionized by the presence of almost completely
autonomous vehicles on our roadways. The amount of trafficfatalities will decrease, road …

A roadmap for autonomous vehicles: State tort liability, automobile insurance, and federal safety regulation

MA Geistfeld - Calif. L. Rev., 2017 - HeinOnline
Autonomous vehicles will be a disruptive technology. In addition to liberating humans from
the task of driving, the technology will cause a migration from private car ownership to …

Autonomous and automated and connected cars-oh my! First generation autonomous cars in the legal ecosystem

DJ Glancy - Minn. JL Sci. & Tech., 2015 - HeinOnline
Just as" lions and tigers and bears" seemed foreboding in Oz, 1 vehicle technologies that
enable cars to operate themselves may seem disquieting. The legal ecosystem that awaits …