Quality of use of a complex technology: A learning-based model

MC Boudreau, L Seligman - Journal of Organizational and End User …, 2005 - igi-global.com
It has been argued that simple conceptualizations of usage are inadequate for
understanding and studying the use of complex information technologies. In this article, we …

A learning-based model of quality of use: Insights from a case study of ERP implementation

MC Boudreau, L Seligman - 2003 - aisel.aisnet.org
It has been argued that simple conceptualizations of usage are inadequate for
understanding and studying use of complex information technologies. In this paper we …

[PDF][PDF] Reviewing information systems usage and performance models

CK Tsuma, FB Osang, N Abinwi - 2015 - academia.edu
Evaluating technology usage and performance has been a major challenge in the
Information Systems (IS) field. Several successful attempts have been made by information …

Testing the technology-to-performance chain model

DS Staples, P Seddon - Journal of Organizational and End User …, 2004 - igi-global.com
Goodhue and Thompson proposed the technology-to-performance chain (TPC) model in
1995 to help end users and organizations understand and make more effective use of …

Reconceptualizing system use for contemporary information systems

ER Mclean, D Sedera, FTC Tan - 2011 - aisel.aisnet.org
Abstract System use is a centrally important construct in a plethora of research. Yet for all its
importance, and still consistent with observations of DeLone and McLean (1992), system …

Making the most of information technology & systems usage: A literature review, framework and future research agenda

AA Shaikh, H Karjaluoto - Computers in Human Behavior, 2015 - Elsevier
This detailed literature review has considered a relatively large quantity (152 total) of
scholarly empirical publications, conference proceedings, books and popular market reports …

Measuring information system usage: Replication and extensions

T Barnett, FW Kellermanns, AW Pearson… - Journal of Computer …, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
This study replicates and extends the landmark study of technology acceptance and use
conducted by Straub, Limayem and Karahanna-Evaristo [25]. As in their study, the authors in …

Issues in predicting and explaining usage behaviors with the technology acceptance model and the theory of planned behavior when usage is mandatory

P Rawstorne, R Jayasuriya, P Caputi - ICIS 2000 Proceedings, 2000 - aisel.aisnet.org
Within certain industries there is an increasing prevalence toward computerizing work
practices and mandating specific tasks performed using an Information System (IS). This …

Development and test of a theory of technological learning and usage

RP Bagozzi, FD Davis, PR Warshaw - Human relations, 1992 - journals.sagepub.com
Beliefs, attitudes, and intentions are important factors in the adoption of computer
technologies. While contemporary representations have focused on explaining the act of …

Predicting different conceptualizations of system use: The competing roles of behavioral intention, facilitating conditions, and behavioral expectation

V Venkatesh, SA Brown, LM Maruping, H Bala - MIS quarterly, 2008 - JSTOR
Employees' underutilization of new information systems undermines organizations' efforts to
gain benefits from such systems. The two main predictors of individual-level system use in …