Pose-based temporal-spatial network (PTSN) for gait recognition with carrying and clothing variations

R Liao, C Cao, EB Garcia, S Yu, Y Huang - Biometric Recognition: 12th …, 2017 - Springer
One of the most attractive biometric techniques is gait recognition, since its potential for
human identification at a distance. But gait recognition is still challenging in real applications …

A model-based gait recognition method with body pose and human prior knowledge

R Liao, S Yu, W An, Y Huang - Pattern Recognition, 2020 - Elsevier
We propose in this paper a novel model-based gait recognition method, PoseGait. Gait
recognition is a challenging and attractive task in biometrics. Early approaches to gait …

DyGait: Exploiting dynamic representations for high-performance gait recognition

M Wang, X Guo, B Lin, T Yang, Z Zhu… - Proceedings of the …, 2023 - openaccess.thecvf.com
Gait recognition is a biometric technology that recognizes the identity of humans through
their walking patterns. Compared with other biometric technologies, gait recognition is more …

Gait recognition based on capsule network

Z Xu, W Lu, Q Zhang, Y Yeung, X Chen - Journal of Visual Communication …, 2019 - Elsevier
Gait as a biometric feature is widely used for human identification, and gait recognition has
recently become a significant research problem. According to a small amount of labeled …

Human gait recognition based on frame-by-frame gait energy images and convolutional long short-term memory

X Wang, WQ Yan - International journal of neural systems, 2020 - World Scientific
Human gait recognition is one of the most promising biometric technologies, especially for
unobtrusive video surveillance and human identification from a distance. Aiming at …

CASIA-E: a large comprehensive dataset for gait recognition

C Song, Y Huang, W Wang… - IEEE transactions on …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Gait recognition plays a special role in visual surveillance due to its unique advantage, eg,
long-distance, cross-view and non-cooperative recognition. However, it has not yet been …

Individual recognition using gait energy image

J Han, B Bhanu - IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and …, 2005 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, we propose a new spatio-temporal gait representation, called Gait Energy
Image (GEI), to characterize human walking properties for individual recognition by gait. To …

Gaitset: Regarding gait as a set for cross-view gait recognition

H Chao, Y He, J Zhang, J Feng - Proceedings of the AAAI conference on …, 2019 - aaai.org
As a unique biometric feature that can be recognized at a distance, gait has broad
applications in crime prevention, forensic identification and social security. To portray a gait …

Gait recognition using pose kinematics and pose energy image

A Roy, S Sural, J Mukherjee - Signal Processing, 2012 - Elsevier
Many of the existing gait recognition approaches represent a gait cycle using a single 2D
image called Gait Energy Image (GEI) or its variants. Since these methods suffer from lack of …

Associated spatio-temporal capsule network for gait recognition

A Zhao, J Dong, J Li, L Qi… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
It is a challenging task to identify a person based on her/his gait patterns. State-of-the-art
approaches rely on the analysis of temporal or spatial characteristics of gait, and gait …