Challenging the IPv6 routing protocol for low-power and lossy networks (RPL): A survey

HS Kim, J Ko, DE Culler, J Paek - … Communications Surveys & …, 2017 -
RPL is the IPv6 routing protocol for low-power and lossy networks, standardized by IETF in
2012 as RFC6550. Specifically, RPL is designed to be a simple and inter-operable …

A survey of limitations and enhancements of the ipv6 routing protocol for low-power and lossy networks: A focus on core operations

B Ghaleb, AY Al-Dubai, E Ekonomou… - … Surveys & Tutorials, 2018 -
Driven by the special requirements of the low-power and lossy networks (LLNs), the IPv6
routing protocol for LLNs (RPL) was standardized by the IETF some six years ago to tackle …

RPL in a nutshell: A survey

O Gaddour, A Koubâa - Computer Networks, 2012 - Elsevier
IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) is a routing protocol
specifically designed for Low power and Lossy Networks (LLN) compliant with the …

Rpl: The routing standard for the internet of things... or is it?

O Iova, P Picco, T Istomin… - IEEE Communications …, 2016 -
RPL, the IPv6 Routing Protocol for low-power and lossy networks, is considered the de facto
routing protocol for the Internet of Things (IoT). Since its standardization, RPL has …

Survey on RPL enhancements: A focus on topology, security and mobility

PO Kamgueu, E Nataf, TD Ndie - Computer Communications, 2018 - Elsevier
A few years ago, the IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low-power and Lossy Networks (RPL) was
proposed by IETF as the routing standard designed for classes of networks in which both …

Reliable data delivery with the IETF routing protocol for low-power and lossy networks

E Ancillotti, R Bruno, M Conti - IEEE Transactions on Industrial …, 2014 -
The IPv6 routing protocol for low-power and lossy networks (RPL) has been recently
standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) routing protocol for low-power …

Load balancing under heavy traffic in RPL routing protocol for low power and lossy networks

HS Kim, H Kim, J Paek, S Bahk - IEEE transactions on mobile …, 2016 -
RPL is an IPv6 routing protocol for low-power and lossy networks (LLNs) designed to meet
the requirements of a wide range of LLN applications including smart grid AMIs, industrial …

DualMOP-RPL: Supporting multiple modes of downward routing in a single RPL network

J Ko, J Jeong, J Park, JA Jun, O Gnawali… - ACM Transactions on …, 2015 -
RPL is an IPv6 routing protocol for low-power and lossy networks (LLNs) designed to meet
the requirements of a wide range of LLN applications including smart grid AMIs, home and …

[HTML][HTML] RPL: IPv6 routing protocol for low-power and lossy networks

T Winter, P Thubert, A Brandt, J Hui, R Kelsey, P Levis… - 2012 -
RFC 6550: RPL: IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks [RFC Home] [TEXT|PDF|HTML]
[Tracker] [IPR] [Errata] [Info page] PROPOSED STANDARD Updated by: 9008, 9010 Errata …

A comprehensive study of RPL and P2P-RPL routing protocols: Implementation, challenges and opportunities

M Zhao, A Kumar, PH Joo Chong, R Lu - Peer-to-Peer Networking and …, 2017 - Springer
In recent years, Internet of Things (IoT), which aims to achieve ubiquitous communication
among a large number of resource constraint embedded devices, has emerged as a new …