A knowledge based framework to support product development

A Harris - 2009 - wlv.openrepository.com
In recent times, the development and manufacture of new products and the necessary tools
required to carry out such activities has resulted in vast amounts of knowledge and …

Knowledge–Based Design and Decisions: Accommodating Multidisciplined Product Development Teams

W Chung, CY Wang - The Design Journal, 2004 - Taylor & Francis
C reating an effective work environment and process is necessary for successful product
design and development. Literature and design managers explain their unique design …

Product development knowledge management portal and case studies to demonstrate the need for better design knowledge management using it

G Prasanna - 2001 - dspace.mit.edu
Product development process is a complex one due to the involvement of highly coupled
tasks and people over a certain period of time. So far there has been little success in …

A knowledge engineering framework for rapid design

N Singh, S Ding, R Jagirdar, EA Basil - Computers & industrial engineering, 1997 - Elsevier
A framework for integrated product development in a knowledge-based engineering
environment is presented in this paper. The idea is to bring the issues of manufacturing and …

A survey of methods and approaches to knowledge management in the product development environment

M Benson, J Terpenny - … Technical Conferences and …, 2001 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
Various approaches to capturing and retrieving engineering design information and intent
are currently used in industry and play an important role in engineering design collaboration …

[PDF][PDF] Engineering knowledge management

S Ahmed, R Bracewell, S Kim - Symposium in Honour of Ken …, 2005 - academia.edu
On partnerships between design research groups and industry, Ken Wallace has long held
the view that a few carefully nurtured long term relationships make for far more effective …

The evolution, challenges, and future of knowledge representation in product design systems

SK Chandrasegaran, K Ramani, RD Sriram… - Computer-aided …, 2013 - Elsevier
Product design is a highly involved, often ill-defined, complex and iterative process, and the
needs and specifications of the required artifact get more refined only as the design process …

Knowledge-based collaborative decision making in product design

Y Qiu - 2008 - dr.ntu.edu.sg
This research aims to understand how knowledge is used in various design activities from a
human factors perspective, and develop a methodology that can be used to support …

[PDF][PDF] Learning Based Product Development

PP Daneshgari, PE Nimmo IV - age, 2002 - scholar.archive.org
The complex task of Product Development has been a major challenge for product
manufacturers and developers since the introduction of complex mechanical systems. The …

Knowledge management to support product development in cold roll-forming environment

CF Oduoza, A Harris - The International Journal of Advanced …, 2011 - Springer
Abstract Knowledge and information management has focused on how available knowledge
is exploited to enhance organisational performance especially in marketing, costing, design …