LSTM network for transportation mode detection

S Kumar, A Damaraju, A Kumar, S Kumari… - Journal of Internet …, 2021 -
Abstract The study of Transportation Mode Detection (TMD) has become a popular research
field in recent years. It will be a crucial part of Smart mobility and Smart cities in upcoming …

A deep learning model for transportation mode detection based on smartphone sensing data

X Liang, Y Zhang, G Wang, S Xu - IEEE Transactions on …, 2019 -
Understanding people's transportation modes is beneficial for empowering many intelligent
transportation systems, such as supporting urban transportation planning. Yet, current …

Toward transportation mode recognition using deep convolutional and long short-term memory recurrent neural networks

Y Qin, H Luo, F Zhao, C Wang, J Wang, Y Zhang - IEEE Access, 2019 -
With the rapid development of mobile Internet techniques, using the sensor-rich
smartphones to sense various contexts attracts much attention, such as transportation mode …

A novel input set for LSTM-based transport mode detection

G Asci, MA Guvensan - 2019 IEEE International Conference on …, 2019 -
The capability of mobile phones are increasing with the development of hardware and
software technology. Especially sensors on smartphones enable to collect environmental …

Combining residual and LSTM recurrent networks for transportation mode detection using multimodal sensors integrated in smartphones

C Wang, H Luo, F Zhao, Y Qin - IEEE Transactions on …, 2020 -
In recent years, with the rapid development of public transportation, the ways people travel
has become more diversified and complicated. Transportation mode detection, as a …

Transportation mode detection on mobile devices using recurrent nets

TH Vu, L Dung, JC Wang - Proceedings of the 24th ACM international …, 2016 -
We present an approach to the use of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) for transportation
mode detection (TMD) on mobile devices. The proposed model, called Control Gate-based …

A convolutional neural network for transportation mode detection based on smartphone platform

X Liang, G Wang - 2017 IEEE 14th international conference on …, 2017 -
Knowledge of people's transportation mode is important in many civilian areas, such as
urban transportation planning. Current methodologies in collecting travelers' transportation …

Transportation mode recognition with deep forest based on GPS data

M Guo, S Liang, L Zhao, P Wang - IEEE Access, 2020 -
Transportation mode recognition (TMR) is a common but critical task in the human behavior
research field, which provides decision support for urban traffic planning, public facility …

A novel segment-based approach for improving classification performance of transport mode detection

MA Guvensan, B Dusun, B Can, HI Turkmen - Sensors, 2017 -
Transportation planning and solutions have an enormous impact on city life. To minimize the
transport duration, urban planners should understand and elaborate the mobility of a city …

Detecting transportation modes using deep neural network

H Wang, GJ Liu, J Duan, L Zhang - IEICE TRANSACTIONS on …, 2017 -
Existing studies on transportation mode detection from global positioning system (GPS)
trajectories mainly adopt handcrafted features. These features require researchers with a …