Virtual Currencies and Fundamental Rights

C Rückert - 2018 -
Virtual currencies1, like Bitcoin, raise new legal questions due to their innovative
technological con-cepts. While academic research covers nearly all areas of the …

[PDF][PDF] Cryptocurrencies and fundamental rights

C Rueckert - Journal of Cybersecurity, 2019 -
Cryptocurrencies, like bitcoin, raise new legal questions due to their innovative
technological concepts. While academic research covers nearly all areas of the …

Legal regulation of virtual currencies: illicit activities and current developments in the realm of payment systems

I Ioannou - King's Student L. Rev., 2020 - HeinOnline
Since Bitcoin was invented a decade ago, the phenomenon of Virtual Currencies has been
hailed as an ingenious innovation and decried as the preferred transaction vehicle for illicit …

Virtual currencies: New challenges to the right to privacy? an assessment under the V AML directive and the GDPR

S De Vido - Global Jurist, 2020 -
The purpose of this article is to analyse virtual currencies, with specific regard to Bitcoins, in
light of a specific human right, the right to privacy. In the first part, this contribution will reflect …

Legalization of Proceeds of Crime Through Virtual Currency (Crypto Currency): Criminological and Criminal Aspect

MO Dumchykov, DA Repin - JE Eur. L., 2020 - HeinOnline
Attention was drawn to the low factors in the field of money laundering that multiply the
volume of this segment of cybercrime, namely: the need to find qualitatively new …

Virtual currencies; bitcoin & what now after liberty reserve, silk road, and Mt. Gox?

LJ Trautman - Richmond Journal of Law and Technology, 2014 -
Abstract During 2013, the US Treasury Department evoked the first use of the 2001 Patriot
Act to exclude virtual currency provider Liberty Reserve from the US financial system. This …

Enforcement on Cryptocurrency

J Arambasic - Zbornik PFZ, 2024 - HeinOnline
Domaée pozitivnopravno uredenje opisuje virtualne valute podvrstom virtualne imovine.
Buduéi da se smatraju imovinom te su prenosive i imaju novéanu protuvrijednost, oportuno …

Regulatory issues and challenges presented by virtual currencies

J Caytas - Columbia Business Law Review, May, 2017 -
There is little doubt that virtual currencies are here to stay in one form or another, and as
means of payment, they invite if not require regulation and standardization to avoid abuse …

[图书][B] Legal implications of virtual currencies

MH Maanda - 2019 -
The advance in technology brings its own challenges and legal implications. As time went
by, we came to know the internet and ultimately developed laws regulating certain things …

[图书][B] Cryptocurrencies and blockchain: Legal context and implications for financial crime, money laundering and tax evasion

R Houben, A Snyers - 2018 -
More and more regulators are worrying about criminals who are increasingly using
cryptocurrencies for illegitimate activities like money laundering, terrorist financing and tax …