Do policy incentives affect the environmental impact of private car use? Evidence from a sample of large cities

K Hirota, J Poot - 2003 -
In this paper we study the effectiveness of tax incentives and public transportation prices on
the environmental impact of private motor vehicle use in OECD countries and in some non …

Taxes and the environmental impact of private car use: Evidence from 68 cities

K Hirota, J Poot - Methods and Models in Transport and …, 2005 - Springer
Many countries have implemented measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and
other environmental costs resulting from the transport sector. Energy consumption, CO2 …

Fiscal Policy and Emissions of New Passenger Cars in the EU

R Gerlagh, I Van Den Bijgaart, H Nijland… - … and resource economics, 2018 - Springer
To what extent have national fiscal policies contributed to the decarbonisation of newly sold
passenger cars? We construct a simple model that generates predictions regarding the …

Impact analysis of car-related taxes on fuel consumption in Japan

M Tanishita, S Kashima, WJ Hayes - Environmental Taxation in …, 2017 -
The authors built a model that calculates the fuel consumption of cars based on the
interaction of car ownership, use, and travel speed. The model determined that fuel …

Trade-offs in CO2-oriented vehicle tax reforms: A case study of Greece

A Adamou, S Clerides, T Zachariadis - Transportation Research Part D …, 2012 - Elsevier
We estimate demand for automobiles in Greece using a model of product differentiation and
use the model to evaluate carbon-based tax schemes that could shift consumer purchases …

All car taxes are not created equal: Evidence from Germany

A Alberini, M Horvath - Energy Economics, 2021 - Elsevier
Economic theory suggests that the environmental externalities created by driving cars can
be corrected by imposing taxes. In this paper we focus on one possible such tax, namely an …

[PDF][PDF] Emissions-Based Vehicle Tax Reform for Cyprus: A Simulation Analysis

T Christodoulou, S Clerides - Cyprus Economy Policy Review, 2012 -
Several policy tools are being employed or debated as possible ways of curbing carbon
emissions in the transportation sector. One such instrument is the taxation of vehicle …

The impact of fiscal and other measures on new passenger car sales and CO2 emissions intensity: Evidence from Europe

L Ryan, S Ferreira, F Convery - Energy economics, 2009 - Elsevier
This paper examines the impact of national fiscal measures in the EU (EU15) on passenger
car sales and the CO2 emissions intensity of the new car fleet over the period 1995–2004 …

Not fully charged: Welfare effects of tax incentives for employer-provided electric cars

A Dimitropoulos, JN van Ommeren, P Koster… - Journal of …, 2016 - Elsevier
More than 15 million cars are provided as fringe benefits by employers in Europe. The
company car market is the driving force of changes in European car fleets and one of the …

Modeling the effects of environmentally differentiated distance-based car-use charges in the Netherlands

H Meurs, R Haaijer, KT Geurs - Transportation Research Part D: Transport …, 2013 - Elsevier
This paper uses the automobile market model Dynamo to assess the effects of replacing car
purchase and road taxes with CO2-differentiated distance-based user charges in the …