Social interaction will be key to enabling robots and machines in general to learn new tasks from ordinary people (not experts in robotics or machine learning). Everyday people who …
In Socially Guided Machine Learning we explore the ways in which machine learning can more fully take advantage of natural human interaction. In this work we are studying the role …
As robots have become lower-cost, more ubiquitous, and more capable, the importance of enabling untrained users to interact with them has increased. Such robots have the potential …
Social learning in robotics has largely focused on imitation learning. Here we take a broader view and are interested in the multifaceted ways that a social partner can influence the …
Learning from Demonstration (LfD) explores techniques for learning a task policy from examples provided by a human teacher. The field of LfD has grown into an extensive body …
We are interested in developing Learning from Demonstration (LfD) systems that are tailored to be used by everyday people. We highlight and tackle the issues of skill learning, task …
Traditionally the behaviour of social robots has been programmed. However, increasingly there has been a focus on letting robots learn their behaviour to some extent from example …
Learning from demonstration (LfD) is a widely-used technique for programming robot behavior. Despite its flexibility and applicability to a wide range of tasks, LfD is most typically …
Social learning in robotics has largely focused on imitation learning. Here we take a broader view and are interested in the multifaceted ways that a social partner can influence the …