Developmentalism and the limits of democratic discourse

FLK Wah - Democracy in Malaysia, 2014 -
Malaysia, like the other countries in East and Southeast Asia, experienced an economic
meltdown beginning from mid-1997. The meltdown was immediately caused by the sharp …

Democratization or oligarchic restructuring? The politics of reform in Malaysia

H Singh - Government and opposition, 2000 -
Malaysia's impact on World Politics Exceeds the usual level of inf luence expected of a small
state in an international system. It has exercised a leadership role in the Commonwealth, the …

At the Centre and the Periphery: The Contributions of Women's Movements to Democratization1

M Mohamad - Democracy in Malaysia, 2014 -
Francis Loh Kok Wah Malaysia, like the other countries in East and Southeast Asia,
experienced an econom ic meltdown beginning from m id-1997. The meltdown was …

In defence of national economic autonomy? Malaysia's response to the financial crisis

HES Nesadurai - The Pacific Review, 2000 - Taylor & Francis
As a result of the financial crisis, some commentators see the reform process in the East
Asian states as an outcome of the disciplining behaviour of financial markets that will lead to …

What sort of democracy: Predatory and neo-liberal agendas in Indonesia

R Robison - Globalization and Democratization in Asia, 2003 -
Asia's recent financial crisis has been more than just an economic shock. In several key
instances it has unraveled entrenched economic and political regimes. Faced with …

The emergence of new politics in Malaysia from consociational to deliberative democracy

MA Mohd Sani - Taiwan Journal of Democracy, 2009 -
Since independence in 1957, Malaysia has practiced consociational democracy that permits
elite deliberation only. However, in the 2008 general election, Malaysian voters almost …

Embedded state autonomy and legitimacy: piecing together the Malaysian development puzzle

B Trezzini - Economy and society, 2001 - Taylor & Francis
Malaysia's development trajectory has been comparatively successful, and the country
arguably represents another example of the'Asian developmental state'. However, when …

Malaysia's resilient pseudodemocracy

W Case - J. Democracy, 2001 - HeinOnline
Malaysia and its leader, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, have swum sharply against the
tide and regularly gotten away with it. Mahathir prolonged a" reverse-discrimination" …

Arrested development: democratisation in Singapore

C Beng‐Huat - Third World Quarterly, 1994 - Taylor & Francis
Within current liberal democratic wisdom regarding the linkage between economic
development and political democratisation in developing countries, Singapore is …

Indonesia's democratic past and future

RW Liddle - Comparative politics, 1992 - JSTOR
Would-be democratizers in Indonesia face two daunting obstacles: Political power is held by
a military elite that believes democracy to be incompatible with national unity and economic …