Experimental design

PD Berger, RE Maurer, GB Celli - CA (USA): Wadsworth Group Belmont, 2002 - Springer
The key objective of this book is to introduce and provide instruction on the design and
analysis of experiments. This expanded edition contains additional examples, exercises …

[图书][B] Design of experiments: a realistic approach

VL Anderson, RA McLean - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
The book is written for anyone who wants to design experiments, carry them out, and
analyze the results. The authors provide a clear-cut, practical approach to designing …

[图书][B] Design and analysis of experiments, volume 1: Introduction to experimental design

K Hinkelmann, O Kempthorne - 2007 - books.google.com
This user-friendly new edition reflects a modern and accessible approach to experimental
design and analysis Design and Analysis of Experiments, Volume 1, Second Edition …

[图书][B] Planning, construction, and statistical analysis of comparative experiments

FG Giesbrecht, ML Gumpertz - 2011 - books.google.com
A valuable guide to conducting experiments and analyzing data across a wide range of
applications Experimental design is an important component of the scientific method. This …

[图书][B] Statistical design and analysis of experiments

PWM John - 1998 - SIAM
In the 27 years since the initial publication of this book, much has changed in both
application and theory of the design of experiments. The prime catalysts have been the …

Modern experimental design

TP Ryan, JP Morgan - Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
Though laymen may scoff at the notion, we professionals know that statistics texts can be
very good reads. Careful elucidation of complex principles, well-chosen examples revealing …

[图书][B] Statistical design of experiments with engineering applications

K Rekab, M Shaikh - 2005 - api.taylorfrancis.com
In today's high-technology world with flourishing e-Business and intense competition at a
global level, the search for competitive advantage has become a crucial task of corporate …

Experimental design: review and comment

DM Steinberg, WG Hunter - Technometrics, 1984 - Taylor & Francis
We review major developments in the design of experiments, offer our thoughts on important
directions for the future, and make specific recommendations for experimenters and …

[图书][B] Statistical design and analysis of experiments: with applications to engineering and science

RL Mason, RF Gunst, JL Hess - 2003 - books.google.com
Emphasizes the strategy of experimentation, data analysis, and the interpretation of
experimental results. Features numerous examples using actual engineering and scientific …

[图书][B] The design of experiments: statistical principles for practical applications

R Mead - 1990 - books.google.com
In all the experimental sciences, good design of experiments is crucial to the success of
research. Well-planned experiments can provide a great deal of information efficiently and …