Content-based dimensionality reduction for recommender systems

P Symeonidis - Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Applications …, 2008 - Springer
Recommender Systems are gaining widespread acceptance in e-commerce applications to
confront the information overload problem. Collaborative Filtering (CF) is a successful …

[PDF][PDF] Scalable collaborative filtering based on latent semantic indexing

P Symeonidis, A Nanopoulos… - Proc. 21st Assoc. for …, 2006 -
Nearest-neighbor collaborative filtering (CF) algorithms are gaining widespread acceptance
in recommender systems and e-commerce applications. User ratings are not expected to be …

Feature-weighted user model for recommender systems

P Symeonidis, A Nanopoulos… - User Modeling 2007: 11th …, 2007 - Springer
Recommender systems are gaining widespread acceptance in e-commerce applications to
confront the “information overload” problem. Collaborative Filtering (CF) is a successful …

Collaborative filtering based on user trends

P Symeonidis, A Nanopoulos, A Papadopoulos… - Advances in Data …, 2007 - Springer
Recommender systems base their operation on past user ratings over a collection of items,
for instance, books, CDs, etc. Collaborative Filtering (CF) is a succesful recommendation …

A new approach for combining content-based and collaborative filters

BM Kim, Q Li, CS Park, SG Kim, JY Kim - Journal of Intelligent Information …, 2006 - Springer
With the development of e-commerce and the proliferation of easily accessible information,
recommender systems have become a popular technique to prune large information spaces …

Semantic-enhanced personalized recommender system

RQ Wang, FS Kong - 2007 International Conference on …, 2007 -
Personalized recommender systems have emerged as a powerful method for improving
both the content of customers and the profit of providers in e-business environment …

User semantic preferences for collaborative recommendations

S Ben Ticha, A Roussanaly, A Boyer… - E-Commerce and Web …, 2012 - Springer
Personalized recommender systems provide relevant items to users from huge catalogue.
Collaborative filtering (CF) and content-based (CB) filtering are the most widely used …

An effective algorithm for dimensional reduction in collaborative filtering

F Gao, C Xing, Y Zhao - Asian Digital Libraries. Looking Back 10 Years …, 2007 - Springer
It is necessary to provide personalized information service for users through the enormous
volume of information on the web. Collaborative filtering is the most successful …

Optimizing collaborative filtering recommender systems

SH Min, I Han - Advances in Web Intelligence: Third International …, 2005 - Springer
Collaborative filtering (CF) is the most successful recommendation technique, which has
been used in a number of different applications. In traditional CF, the ratings of all items are …

Attribute-aware collaborative filtering

K Tso, L Schmidt-Thieme - From Data and Information Analysis to …, 2006 - Springer
One of the key challenges in large information systems such as online shops and digital
libraries is to discover the relevant knowledge from the enormous volume of information …