[PDF][PDF] An analysis of non-ideal HVDC convertor behaviour in the frequency domain, and a new control proposal.

AR Wood - 1993 - ir.canterbury.ac.nz
This thesis describes a linear and direct method of analysing the interaction of waveform
distortion around an HVdc convertor. Existing analysis techniques are reviewed, and their …

[PDF][PDF] A harmonic domain model for the interaction of the HVdc convertor with ac and dc systems.

BC Smith - 1996 - ir.canterbury.ac.nz
This thesis describes a new steady state analysis of the HVdc convert. or. Previous work is
reviewed, and problems, vith accurate modelling of the convertor, and poor solution …

HVDC converter transformer core saturation instability: a frequency domain analysis

S Chen, AR Wood, J Arrillaga - IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and …, 1996 - IET
The interaction between an HVDC converter and the saturation characteristic of a converter
transformer can lead to a type of harmonic instability widely known as converter transformer …

[PDF][PDF] Harmonic and interharmonic cross modulation in HVDC links

DJ Hume - 2002 - ir.canterbury.ac.nz
This thesis investigates techniques for modelling the steady state harmonic and
interharmonic waveform distortion associated with HVDC links. Previous methods are …

[PDF][PDF] Harmonic state-space modelling of an HVdc converter with closed-loop control

SP Hwang - 2014 - ir.canterbury.ac.nz
Frequency domain models for power electronic circuits are either based on iterative
techniques such as Newton's method or linearised around an operating point. Iterative …

HVDC convertor waveform distortion: a frequency-domain analysis

AR Wood, J Arrillaga - IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and …, 1995 - IET
A linear and direct method of determining the major components of noncharacteristic
waveform distortion at the terminals of an HVDC convertor is presented. The method is a …

Comprehensive calculation of convertor harmonics with system impedances and control representation

R Yacamini, JC De Oliveira - IEE Proceedings B (Electric Power Applications), 1986 - IET
The paper describes a computational method for finding the harmonics in large convertor
systems, with particular reference to the interdependent effects of convertors, transformers …

Digital-computer simulation of transients in hvdc convertors with harmonic filters

PG O'regan, CTG Dillon - Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1970 - IET
In the practical design of hvdc convertor installations, a thorough investigation should be
made of all the possible component-overstressing situations that may arise for a variety of …

Minimisation of uncharacteristic harmonics in HVDC convertors through firing angle modulation

FA Farret, LL Freris - IEE Proceedings C (Generation, Transmission and …, 1990 - IET
A modulating signal (MS) applied to the control voltage has a profound effect on the DC and
AC-side uncharacteristic harmonic currents. The presence of harmonic distortion in the AC …

Small signal frequency domain model of an HVDC converter

CM Osauskas, DJ Hume, AR Wood - IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission …, 2001 - IET
A small-signal analytic frequency domain model of a 6-pulse HVDC converter is presented.
The model consists of a set of explicit algebraic equations which relate the transfer of …