Discovering quantum causal models

S Shrapnel - The British Journal for the Philosophy of …, 2019 -
Abstract Costa and Shrapnel ([2016]) have recently proposed an interventionist theory of
quantum causation. The formalism generalizes the classical methods of Pearl ([2000]) and …

Quantum causal models: the merits of the spirit of Reichenbach's principle for understanding quantum causal structure

R Lorenz - Synthese, 2022 - Springer
Through the introduction of his 'common cause principle'[The Direction of Time, 1956], Hans
Reichenbach was the first to formulate a precise link relating causal claims to statements of …

Is there causation in fundamental physics? New insights from process matrices and quantum causal modelling

E Adlam - Synthese, 2023 - Springer
In this article we set out to understand the significance of the process matrix formalism and
the quantum causal modelling programme for ongoing disputes about the role of causation …

[PDF][PDF] Using interventions to discover quantum causal structure

S Shrapnel - 2016 -
Identifying causal relations plays an indispensable role in science, economics, medicine
and everyday life. Interventionist causation associates the discovery of such relations with …

[HTML][HTML] Causality in the quantum world

J Pienaar - Physics, 2017 - APS
Figure 1: In statistics, causal models can be used to extract cause-effect relationships from
empirical data on a complex system. Existing models, however, do not apply if at least one …

Quantum common causes and quantum causal models

JMA Allen, J Barrett, DC Horsman, CM Lee… - Physical Review X, 2017 - APS
Reichenbach's principle asserts that if two observed variables are found to be correlated,
then there should be a causal explanation of these correlations. Furthermore, if the …

Identification of causal influences in quantum processes

I Friend, A Kissinger - arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.08882, 2023 -
Though the topic of causal inference is typically considered in the context of classical
statistical models, recent years have seen great interest in extending causal inference …

Perspective on experimental quantum causality

G Carvacho, R Chaves, F Sciarrino - Europhysics Letters, 2019 -
Inferring causal relations from empirical data is a central task in any scientific inquiry. To that
aim, a mathematical theory of causality has been developed, not only stating under which …

Cyclic quantum causal models

J Barrett, R Lorenz, O Oreshkov - Nature communications, 2021 -
Causal reasoning is essential to science, yet quantum theory challenges it. Quantum
correlations violating Bell inequalities defy satisfactory causal explanations within the …

[图书][B] Miraculous consilience of quantum mechanics

MR Forster - 2010 - Springer
Two events are said to be (positively) correlated when the occurrence of one increases the
probability of the other. Provided that neither event causes the other, a causal model must …