Manipulation of colour and shape information and its consequence upon recognition and best-likeness judgments

KJ Lee, DI Perrett - Perception, 2000 -
Previous forays into the study of recognition have revealed an advantage for line-drawn and
photographic shape caricatures of faces in reaction-time paradigms. When a presentation …

Presentation-time measures of the effects of manipulations in colour space on discrimination of famous faces

KJ Lee, D Perrett - Perception, 1997 -
Caricaturing the distinctive shape of famous faces can produce an advantage in
reactiontime paradigms but the role of distinctive colour and intensity information in …

Perception and recognition of photographic quality facial caricatures: Implications for the recognition of natural images

PJ Benson, DI Perrett - European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 1991 - Taylor & Francis
The perception and recognition of photographic images of famous faces was compared with
the same images transformed to produce caricatures of different degrees of exaggeration …

Visual processing of facial distinctiveness

PJ Benson, DI Perrett - Perception, 1994 -
Three experiments are reported in which the role of facial distinctiveness in line-drawing
representations of famous faces has been examined. In the first subjects were asked to …

Facial distinctiveness and the power of caricatures

G Rhodes, G Byatt, T Tremewan, A Kennedy - Perception, 1997 -
Caricatures, which increase the distinctiveness of faces, are generally recognised at least as
well as undistorted images of those faces. However, caricatures seem to facilitate …

Caricature and face recognition

R Mauro, M Kubovy - Memory & Cognition, 1992 - Springer
Although caricatures are often gross distortions of faces, they frequently appear to be super-
portraits capable of eliciting recognition better than veridical depictions. This may occur …

Understanding face recognition: Caricauture effects, inversion, and the homogeneity problem

G Rhodes, T Tremewan - Visual Cognition, 1994 - Taylor & Francis
Faces and other objects that share a configuration present a special problem to the visual
system. Two components of the visual system's solution to this homogeneity problem have …

Are caricatures special? Evidence of peak shift in face recognition

MB Lewis - European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 1999 - Taylor & Francis
It has been shown that it is possible to obtain faster and more accurate recognition for a
caricatured face than for a veridical face. This could suggest that there is something special …

Caricature recognition in a neural network

JW Tanaka - Visual Cognition, 1996 - Taylor & Francis
In a caricature drawing, the artist graphically exaggerates those features of an individual in
proportion to their deviations from the normative or average face. The paradox of caricature …

[HTML][HTML] Coding spatial variations in faces and simple shapes: a test of two models

G Rhodes, S Carey, G Byatt, F Proffitt - Vision research, 1998 - Elsevier
Faces all have the same basic elements in the same overall arrangement, and must be
discriminated using variations in this shared configuration. An efficient way to represent …