Mehrbrennersysteme wie Gasturbinen-Brennkammern können für unerwünschte thermoakustische Instabilitäten in Form von Verbrennungsschwingungen anfällig sein. Um …
Um möglichst niedrige Schadstoffemissionen bei gleichzeitig hohem Wirkungsgrad erreichen zu können, werden moderne stationäre Gasturbinen mit magerer …
S Kim, D Kim - Journal of Propulsion and Energy, 2020 -
We have developed a 1D thermoacoustic network model based on a transfer function approach for predicting combustion instabilities in a multi-duct system. Two different …
Linear stability analysis by means of low-order network models is widely spread in industry and academia to predict the thermoacoustic characteristics of combustion systems. Even …
Currently, the stationary gas turbine is the core technology for the highest energy conversion rates available. Additionally, gas turbines are very flexible and can complement the power …
Accurately predicting the thermoacoustic modes of a combustor depends upon knowledge of the thermodynamic properties within the combustor; flame temperature, heat release rate …
The use of fossil fuels in power generation has a significant impact on the environment. Even the burning of natural gas, considered as the cleanest of all commonly available fossils …
Thermoacoustic instabilities in gasturbine combustor systems can be predicted in the design phase with a thermoacoustic network model. In this model, the coupling between acoustic …
Although combustion instabilities of low-emission combustion processes have become a major problem in recent years, the prediction of the stability limits of confined flows with heat …