[PDF][PDF] Privacy invasions in ubiquitous computing

M Langheinrich - Workshop on Socially-informed Design of Privacy …, 2002 - uc.inf.usi.ch
While recent surveys often cite people who have experienced some form of privacy invasion,
the exact nature of such invasions remains elusive. Yet in order to build ubiquitous …

[PDF][PDF] Integrating privacy enhancing services in ubiquitous computing environments

M Wu, A Friday - Workshop on Security in Ubiquitous Computing, 4th …, 2002 - academia.edu
With the advances in pervasive wireless communications (such as GSM, WaveLAN,
Bluetooth, etc.) and context-aware and 'smart room'prototypes (GUIDE [1], AT&T's Sentient …

Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing

M Langheinrich - Ubiquitous computing fundamentals, 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
Unfortunately, privacy is such a complex issue that there is no single solution, no recipe for
success, no silver bullet (or set of silver bullets) that will xa system for us so that it is “privacy …

[PDF][PDF] Protecting privacy with economics: Economic incentives for preventive technologies in ubiquitous computing environments

A Acquisti - Workshop on Socially-informed Design of Privacy …, 2002 - academia.edu
Ubiquitous computing environments make the economic analysis of privacy more difficult as
they exacerbate information asymmetries and uncertainties. This paper discusses why the …

Privacy by design—principles of privacy-aware ubiquitous systems

M Langheinrich - International conference on ubiquitous computing, 2001 - Springer
This paper tries to serve as an introductory reading to privacy issues in the field of ubiquitous
computing. It develops six principles for guiding system design, based on a set of fair …

Personal privacy through understanding and action: five pitfalls for designers

S Lederer, JI Hong, AK Dey, JA Landay - Personal and ubiquitous …, 2004 - Springer
To participate in meaningful privacy practice in the context of technical systems, people
require opportunities to understand the extent of the systems' alignment with relevant …

[PDF][PDF] Everyday privacy in ubiquitous computing environments

S Lederer, AK Dey, J Mankoff - … on Socially-informed Design of Privacy …, 2002 - cs.cmu.edu
We present a conceptual model of everyday privacy in ubiquitous computing environments,
based on the works of Lessig and Adams. By everyday privacy, we mean the enduser's …

[PDF][PDF] Personal privacy in ubiquitous computing

M Langheinrich - Tools and System Support. Dissertationsschrift, ETH …, 2005 - Citeseer
Visions of future computing environments involve integrating tiny microelectronic processors
and sensors into everyday objects in order to make them “smart.” Smart things can explore …

Privacy risk models for designing privacy-sensitive ubiquitous computing systems

JI Hong, JD Ng, S Lederer, JA Landay - Proceedings of the 5th …, 2004 - dl.acm.org
Privacy is a difficult design issue that is becoming increasingly important as we push into
ubiquitous computing environments. While there is a fair amount of theoretical work on …

[PDF][PDF] Towards a deconstruction of the privacy space

S Lederer, J Mankoff, AK Dey - Ubicomp 2003 Workshop on Ubicomp …, 2003 - Citeseer
When designing for or discussing privacy, it is critical to identify the conditions that create a
system's or phenomenon's privacy implications. We present a set of interdependent …