V Berghahn - conference The American Impact on Western …, 1999 - webdoc.sub.gwdg.de
As you know from the explanatory material that was sent out to you, this conference is intended to be both a stock-taking exercise of past research and arguments concerning the …
Amerika-Europa created something of a sensation in Germany. The question which it proposed-What is the meaning of the New America to Old Europe?-became a topic for …
GERMAN-AMERICAN ENTHUSIASM IN 1870-71 OVER THE UNIFICATION OF THE Fatherland proved to be quite shortlived and shallow. As important and significant as the …
M Nolan - … Impact on Western Europe: Americanization and …, 1999 - webdoc.sub.gwdg.de
Americanization or Westernization? What's in a name? What is at issue in the conceptual contestation that structures this conference? Which term is most helpful in understanding the …
HJ Puhle - Reviews in American History, 1986 - JSTOR
The history of German historiography on the United States has always been a history of scarcity and want. Its development in West Germany after 1945 is no exception to that rule …
RM Berdahl - The American Historical Review, 1972 - JSTOR
THIS ESSAY IS WRITTEN out of a sense of dissatisfaction with the manner in which historians have dealt with the problem of German nationalism. Its purpose is not to provide …
R Doerries - America and the Germans, 1985 - degruyter.com
THE YEAR 1983 has produced a veritable flood of public statements and printed matter commemorating three hundred years of German immigration to America and more than two …
A Yox - Yearbook of German-American Studies, 2001 - journals.ku.edu
Festoons of oak stood by the entrances of the new Harugari Hall in Buffalo, New York, in 1886. Louis Buehl, a hotelkeeper, welcomed the audience from the sjseaker's table. If a …
FD Scott - The Journal of Modern History, 1946 - journals.uchicago.edu
E invasion of Europe from the west in I944 was but a dramatic I episode in the relations of East and West. Europe's grown-up child crossed the sea to help restore freedom and …