[PDF][PDF] Tragedy of the Public Knowledge'Commons'? Global Science, Intellectual Property and the Digital Technology Boomerang

PA David - 2001 - collections.unu.edu
Radical legal innovations in intellectual property protection have been introduced by the
little noticed European Database Directive of March 1996. This initiative, part of the larger …

[PDF][PDF] A tragedy of the public knowledge 'commons'

PA David - Global science, intellectual property and the digital …, 2000 - core.ac.uk
Radical legal innovations in intellectual property protection have been introduced by the
little noticed European Database Directive of March 1996. This initiative, part of the larger …

[PDF][PDF] The digital technology boomerang: new intellectual property rights threaten global 'open science'

PA David - World Bank Conference Paper, 2000 - researchgate.net
There is a serious threat that ill-considered government support for expanding legal means
of controlling access to information for the purpose of extracting private economic rents is …

Intellectual property rights and the global information economy

P Samuelson - Communications of the ACM, 1996 - dl.acm.org
legallyspeaking right law) to deal with digital technology issues. The purpose of this column
is to explain the principal policy issues with which these documents are grappling, as well as …

[图书][B] The digital dilemma: Intellectual property in the information age

National Research Council… - 2000 - books.google.com
Imagine sending a magazine article to 10 friends-making photocopies, putting them in
envelopes, adding postage, and mailing them. Now consider how much easier it is to send …

Property and Innovation in the Global Information Infrastructure

HH Perritt Jr - U. Chi. Legal F., 1996 - HeinOnline
At least since Blackstone and John Locke, legal and political commentators have
recognized the central role that property plays in market economies and democracies …

[PDF][PDF] Digital Technologies, Research Collaborations and the Extension of Protection for Intellectual Property in Science: Will Building'Good Fences' Really Make' …

PA David - 2001 - collections.unu.edu
EC research programmes are promoting collaborative scientific research in general
and'integrated Internet-based collaborations' in particular. New intellectual property rights …

Ideas, artifacts, and facilities: information as a common-pool resource

C Hess, E Ostrom - Law and contemporary problems, 2003 - JSTOR
There is an increasing concern about the implications of recent and impending legislation
on the future of academic research, open science, traditional knowledge, and the intellectual …

[PDF][PDF] Artifacts, facilities, and content: information as a common-pool resource

C Hess, E Ostrom - Conference on the Public Domain, Duke …, 2001 - tech-insider.org
We are in the midst of an information arms race with multiple sides battling for larger shares
of the global knowledge pool. The records of scholarly communication, the foundations of an …

[图书][B] Re-thinking Intellectual Property: The political economy of copyright protection in the digital era

YJ Tian, J Winn - 2008 - taylorfrancis.com
Copyright laws, along with other Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs), constitute the legal
foundation for the" global knowledge-based economy" and copyright law now plays an …