Are warning colors handicaps?

T Guilford, MS Dawkins - Evolution, 1993 -
The handicap theory, in which the cost of waste guarantees honest advertising, is being
used increasingly in solutions to the problems of biological signal evolution. However, it is …

Evidence of signaling benefits to contrasting internal color boundaries in warning coloration

M Aronsson, G Gamberale-Stille - Behavioral Ecology, 2013 -
It has been suggested that the common existence of regular patterning in aposematic prey
animals makes them “stand out” from the background, improving detection and recognition …

Linking the evolution and form of warning coloration in nature

M Stevens, GD Ruxton - Proceedings of the Royal …, 2012 -
Many animals are toxic or unpalatable and signal this to predators with warning signals
(aposematism). Aposematic appearance has long been a classical system to study predator …

Perspective: the evolution of warning coloration is not paradoxical

NM Marples, DJ Kelly, RJ Thomas - Evolution, 2005 -
Animals that are brightly colored have intrigued scientists since the time of Darwin, because
it seems surprising that prey should have evolved to be clearly visible to predators. Often this …

A general model of biological signals, from cues to handicaps

JM Biernaskie, JC Perry, A Grafen - Evolution Letters, 2018 -
Organisms sometimes appear to use extravagant traits, or “handicaps”, to signal their quality
to an interested receiver. Before they were used as signals, many of these traits might have …

Backgrounds and the evolution of visual signals

EM Caves, AL Davis, S Nowicki, S Johnsen - Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 2023 -
Color signals which mediate behavioral interactions across taxa and contexts are often
thought of as color'patches'–parts of an animal that appear colorful compared to other parts …

Responses to warning coloration in avian predators

W Schuler, TJ Roper - Adv Stud Behav, 1992 -
Mimicry, warning coloration, and chemical defense in insects constitute especially clear
examples of adaptation through mutation and natural selection. As such, they have been of …

The evolution of conspicuous coloration

T Guilford - The American Naturalist, 1988 -
I introduce three scenarios for the evolution of conspicuous coloration associated with
unpalatability in prey animals, based on the ways in which selection for the two character …

Asymmetry in size, shape, and color impairs the protective value of conspicuous color patterns

A Forsman, J Herrström - Behavioral Ecology, 2004 -
The received view of protective coloration in animals is that conspicuous colors and patterns
have evolved because they elicit avoidance behavior in potential predators. In the present …

Evolution of diversity in warning color and mimicry: polymorphisms, shifting balance, and speciation

J Mallet, M Joron - Annual review of ecology and systematics, 1999 -
▪ Abstract Mimicry and warning color are highly paradoxical adaptations. Color patterns in
both Müllerian and Batesian mimicry are often determined by relatively few pattern …