A stochastic information diffusion model in complex social networks

Y Chai, Y Wang, L Zhu - IEEE Access, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The number of potential participants in information diffusion is dynamically changing, and
the topological structure of a real social network is affected by environment noise. In this …

High-performance distribution of limited resources via a dynamical reallocation scheme

KH Lee, PM Hui - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2008 - Elsevier
Using the context of routing efficiency in a complex scale-free network, we study the problem
of how a limited amount of resources should be distributed to the nodes in a network so as to …

Hierarchical Cooperation Achieves Optimal Capacity Scaling in Ad Hoc Networks

A Ozgur, O Lévêque, NC David - IEEE Transactions on …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
n source and destination pairs randomly located in an area want to communicate with each
other. Signals transmitted from one user to another at distance r apart are subject to a power …

On propagation of phenomena in interdependent networks

H Khamfroush, N Bartolini, TF La Porta… - … on network science …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
When multiple networks are interconnected because of mutual service interdependence,
propagation of phenomena across the networks is likely to occur. Depending on the type of …

On congruity of nodes and assortative information content in complex networks

M Piraveenan, M Prokopenko… - Networks and …, 2012 - aimsciences.org
Many distributed systems lend themselves to be modelled as networks, where nodes can
have a range of attributes and properties based on which they may be classified. In this …

Traffic of packets with non-homogeneously selected destinations in scale-free network

X Ling, R Jiang, X Wang, MB Hu, QS Wu - Physica A: Statistical mechanics …, 2008 - Elsevier
In this paper, we study the information traffic flow in communication networks with scale-free
topology. We consider the situation arising when packets are delivered to non …

The competitive information spreading over multiplex social networks

D Yang, TWS Chow, L Zhong, Q Zhang - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics …, 2018 - Elsevier
It is evident that social networks have become major information sources as well as the most
effective platform for information exchange. In social networks, the dynamical propagation of …

Probabilistic flooding performance analysis exploiting graph spectra properties

K Oikonomou, G Koufoudakis, S Aïssa… - … /ACM Transactions on …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Probabilistic flooding is an efficient information dissemination policy capable of spreading
information to the network nodes by sending information messages according to a fixed …

[PDF][PDF] 复杂网络中最小K-核节点的传播能力分析

任卓明, 刘建国, 邵凤, 胡兆龙, 郭强 - 物理学报, 2013 - wulixb.iphy.ac.cn
然而该方法无法对复杂网络中大量最小K-核节点的传播能力进行准确度量. 本文主要考察最小K …