Unifying explicit and implicit feedback for collaborative filtering

NN Liu, EW Xiang, M Zhao, Q Yang - Proceedings of the 19th ACM …, 2010 - dl.acm.org
Most collaborative filtering algorithms are based on certain statistical models of user
interests built from either explicit feedback (eg: ratings, votes) or implicit feedback (eg: clicks …

Boosting collaborative filtering with an ensemble of co-trained recommenders

AF Da Costa, MG Manzato, RJGB Campello - Expert Systems with …, 2019 - Elsevier
Collaborative Filtering (CF) is one of the best performing and most widely used approaches
for recommender systems. Although significant progress has been made in this area, current …

Collaborative filtering using a regression-based approach

S Vucetic, Z Obradovic - Knowledge and Information Systems, 2005 - Springer
The task of collaborative filtering is to predict the preferences of an active user for unseen
items given preferences of other users. These preferences are typically expressed as …

Cofiset: Collaborative filtering via learning pairwise preferences over item-sets

W Pan, L Chen - Proceedings of the 2013 SIAM international conference …, 2013 - SIAM
Collaborative filtering aims to make use of users' feedbacks to improve the recommendation
performance, which has been deployed in various industry recommender systems. Some …

Exploiting various implicit feedback for collaborative filtering

B Yang, S Lee, S Park, S Lee - … of the 21st International Conference on …, 2012 - dl.acm.org
So far, many researchers have worked on recommender systems using users' implicit
feedback, since it is difficult to collect explicit item preferences in most applications. Existing …

Tutorial on recent progress in collaborative filtering

Y Koren - Proceedings of the 2008 ACM conference on …, 2008 - dl.acm.org
Collaborative filtering is a relatively young algorithmic approach, which already found its
way into many commercial applications and established itself as a prime component of …

Interactive recommending with tag-enhanced matrix factorization (TagMF)

B Loepp, T Donkers, T Kleemann, J Ziegler - International Journal of …, 2019 - Elsevier
We introduce TagMF, a model-based Collaborative Filtering method that aims at increasing
transparency and offering richer interaction possibilities in current Recommender Systems …

An iterative semi-explicit rating method for building collaborative recommender systems

B Jeong, J Lee, H Cho - Expert Systems with Applications, 2009 - Elsevier
Collaborative filtering plays the key role in recent recommender systems. It uses a user-item
preference matrix rated either explicitly (ie, explicit rating) or implicitly (ie, implicit feedback) …

Boosting response aware model-based collaborative filtering

H Yang, G Ling, Y Su, MR Lyu… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Recommender systems are promising for providing personalized favorite services.
Collaborative filtering (CF) technologies, making prediction of users' preference based on …

Collaborative filtering beyond the user-item matrix: A survey of the state of the art and future challenges

Y Shi, M Larson, A Hanjalic - ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2014 - dl.acm.org
Over the past two decades, a large amount of research effort has been devoted to
developing algorithms that generate recommendations. The resulting research progress has …