Study of cascading failure in multisubnet composite complex networks

G Sun, CC Chen, S Bin - Symmetry, 2021 -
Current research on the cascading failure of coupling networks is mostly based on
hierarchical network models and is limited to a single relationship. In reality, many …

Combined effects of load dynamics and dependence clusters on cascading failures in network systems

J Zhou, N Huang, DW Coit, FA Felder - Reliability Engineering & System …, 2018 - Elsevier
A new model has been developed to analyze mixed cascading failures in network systems.
The new model offers distinct advantages to analyze the combined impact of network load …

Improving interdependent networks robustness by adding connectivity links

X Ji, B Wang, D Liu, G Chen, F Tang, D Wei… - Physica A: Statistical …, 2016 - Elsevier
Compared with a single and isolated network, interdependent networks have two types of
links: connectivity link and dependency link. This paper aims to improve the robustness of …

Cascading failure of interdependent networks with different coupling preference under targeted attack

Z Chen, WB Du, XB Cao, XL Zhou - Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2015 - Elsevier
Cascading failure is one of the most central topics in the field of complex networks. In this
paper, the cascading failure model is extended to the case of interdependent networks, and …

Robustness of interdependent networks with different link patterns against cascading failures

J Wang, C Jiang, J Qian - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its …, 2014 - Elsevier
Taking into account the load, the load redistribution, and the node capacity, we study the
robustness of two interdependent networks A and B against cascading failures, where each …

Robustness of scale-free networks with various parameters against cascading failures

Z Yang, J Liu - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2018 - Elsevier
Many crucial real-world networks could be modeled as scale-free networks, which play an
important role in the human society. Once these functional network systems suffer from …

Analysis of network cascading failure based on the cluster aggregation in cyber-physical systems

C Zhang, X Xu, H Dui - Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2020 - Elsevier
A cascading failure is a phenomenon in which the failure of one or several nodes triggers
the failure of other nodes. In cyber-physical systems, the failure propagation of edge …

Improving robustness of interdependent networks by a new coupling strategy

X Wang, W Zhou, R Li, J Cao, X Lin - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and …, 2018 - Elsevier
There are two kinds of methods to improve the robustness of interdependent networks by
changing the edge connection. One is to change the connectivity link, and the other is to …

Enhancing robustness and resilience of multiplex networks against node-community cascading failures

L Ma, X Zhang, J Li, Q Lin, M Gong… - … on Systems, Man …, 2021 -
Many real systems are represented in form of multiplex networks composed of a set of
nodes, multiple layers of links, and coupling node relationships across all layers. These …

Cascading failures in coupled networks with both inner-dependency and inter-dependency links

RR Liu, M Li, CX Jia, BH Wang - Scientific reports, 2016 -
We study the percolation in coupled networks with both inner-dependency and inter-
dependency links, where the inner-and inter-dependency links represent the dependencies …