The evaluation of node importance in urban road network based on complex network theory

H Cao, H Liu, F Zhao, Y Li… - MATEC Web of …, 2016 -
Identifying and protecting traffic hub is vital to keep the stability and reliability of urban road
traffic network. In this paper, a comprehensive evaluation method of node importance in …

Evaluation of Urban Regional Road Network Topological Characteristics Considering Traffic Operating Parameters

R Wei, J Weng, J Xu, H He - CICTP 2020, 2021 -
Regional urban networks are increasingly interconnected due to the continuous flow of
traffic, so it is of great significance to establish a reasonable node importance evaluation …

Research on evaluation algorithm of key nodes in urban road traffic network based on complex network

C Zhu, X Wang - Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020 -
Urban road traffic planning is a complicated project. If this project is abstracted as a complex
network, the smoothness of important nodes in the network will have a significant impact on …

A study on the highway network key segments identifying method based on the structural characteristics

X Wang, S Niu, J Gao, J Zhang - CICTP 2014: Safe, Smart, and …, 2014 -
Within the physical structure of the highway network, the key segments are significant for
both the resistance against emergency and operational efficiency. Based on the Graph …

Key Node Identification Method of Chengdu Metro Network Based on Comprehensive Assessment

F Xue, CL He, ZS Sun, X Yu - … and Applications: Proceeding of the Second …, 2019 - Springer
The identification of key nodes is conducive to improving the accuracy of network
performance analysis. The topology of the Chengdu Metro Network (CMN) is analyzed …

Approximating betweenness centrality to identify key nodes in a weighted urban complex transportation network

W Liu, X Li, T Liu, B Liu - Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
The key nodes in a complex transportation network have a significant influence on the safety
of traffic operations, connectivity reliability, and the performance of the entire network …

Node importance assessment of traffic complex network based on c-means clustering

L Wang, L Wei, YZ Zhang, ZX Li - Advanced Materials Research, 2011 - Trans Tech Publ
Hub nodes of urban traffic complex network are very important for region traffic signal
control. Traditionally, region traffic signal control system like SCOOT/SCATS use traffic flow …

Identification of Key Nodes in a Road Network Using the Fusion of Nodes with Degree Traffic Characteristics and LISH Model

Y Wang, G Zheng, P Wang - Journal of Highway and Transportation …, 2016 -
This paper proposes a method for increasing the efficiency of identifying key nodes in a road
network, especially in large-scale complex ones. The method was established based on …

Supernetwork Perspective on Studying the Method of Identifying the Important Urban Transport Hub

G Yuan, L Sun, D Kong, Z Bai, J Shao - Journal of Highway and …, 2023 -
To overcome the difficulty of complex network theory (CNT) and to meet the requirements of
integrated, comprehensive, and networked urban transport hub network system modeling, it …

Research on identification method of key road sections in the road network under disaster situation

X Li, X Liu - 2020 5th International Conference on …, 2020 -
Road networks can be abstracted into complex topological structures, where road sections
and intersections represent edges and nodes in the topological structure. The location of …