Steps towards autonomous network security: unsupervised detection of network attacks

P Casas, J Mazel, P Owezarski - 2011 4th IFIP International …, 2011 -
The unsupervised detection of network attacks represents an extremely challenging goal.
Current methods rely on either very specialized signatures of previously seen attacks, or on …

Knowledge-independent traffic monitoring: Unsupervised detection of network attacks

P Casas, J Mazel, P Owezarski - IEEE Network, 2012 -
The philosophy of traffic monitoring for detection of network attacks is based on an acquired
knowledge perspective: current techniques detect either the well-known attacks on which …

Unada: Unsupervised network anomaly detection using sub-space outliers ranking

P Casas, J Mazel, P Owezarski - … 2011: 10th International IFIP TC 6 …, 2011 - Springer
Current network monitoring systems rely strongly on signa-ture-based and supervised-
learning-based detection methods to hunt out network attacks and anomalies. Despite being …

Sub-space clustering and evidence accumulation for unsupervised network anomaly detection

J Mazel, P Casas, P Owezarski - … , TMA 2011, Vienna, Austria, April 27 …, 2011 - Springer
Network anomaly detection has been a hot research topic for many years. Most detection
systems proposed so far employ a supervised strategy to accomplish the task, using either …

Hunting attacks in the dark: clustering and correlation analysis for unsupervised anomaly detection

J Mazel, P Casas, R Fontugne… - … Journal of Network …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Network anomalies and attacks represent a serious challenge to ISPs, who need to cope
with an increasing number of unknown events that put their networks' integrity at risk. Most of …

Insider attack detection using weak indicators over network flow data

R Pagliari, A Ghosh, YM Gottlieb… - MILCOM 2015-2015 …, 2015 -
Insider attack detection in an enterprise network environment is a critical problem that
currently has no promising solution. It represents a significant challenge since host …

Online detection of anomalous network flows with soft clustering

M Zolotukhin, T Hämäläinen… - … Conference on New …, 2015 -
In this study, we apply an anomaly-based approach to analyze traffic flows transferred over a
network to detect the flows related to different types of attacks. Based on the information …

Sub-space clustering, inter-clustering results association & anomaly correlation for unsupervised network anomaly detection

J Mazel, P Casas, Y Labit… - 2011 7th international …, 2011 -
Network anomaly detection is a critical aspect of network management for instance for QoS,
security, etc. The continuous arising of new anomalies and attacks create a continuous …

Unsupervised network anomaly detection

J Mazel - 2011 -
Anomaly detection has become a vital component of any network in today's Internet.
Ranging from non-malicious unexpected events such as flash-crowds and failures, to …

Coping with 0-day attacks through unsupervised network intrusion detection

P Casas, J Mazel, P Owezarski - 2014 International Wireless …, 2014 -
Traditional Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDSs) rely on either specialized
signatures of previously seen attacks, or on expensive and difficult to produce labeled traffic …